Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Post #43

Subject: George W. Bush has gotten into quite a mess.

Why it was wrong to invade Iraq:

- The Iraq War was inhuman, a violation of basic human decency. It’s wrong to pick a fight. Whether you’re President or a schoolkid in a schoolyard, it’s just wrong to pick a fight – morally, ethically, against your religion, whatever. Something tells me that Bush has never been a schoolkid in a schoolyard. :p

- The Iraq War was not in our interest – the threat was NOT clear and imminent. Oh, I, too, was scared shitless of the prospect of a mushroom cloud. Now, if Saddam’s sons had bought plane tickets for New York and wanted to check “Atomic Bomb” into luggage, I would have signed up to ride a tank into Baghdad – indeed, I said at the time that it was irresponsible and reckless to wait for the U.N…. if the threat was so clear and imminent. I also said at the time that, the first time Bush is wrong about WMD, it will be more difficult to invade another country – even if there is better evidence against that other country. But, as we now know, there was no reason to be sacred shitless – shame on Bush for his disregard of honesty and the truth.

Of course, Bush will say – as he has already done – that the clear and imminent threat was a “gathering storm.” Let’s see:: 1. Saddam was a bad man. 2. Saddam, one day, might possibly get some bad weapons. 3. A bad man with bad weapons might possibly be a bad situation. Does anybody outside of the Vice-President’s office still follow that logic?

- The Iraq War was a distraction from and a drain on the War on Terror. As I feared, we lost our focus on the enemy who attacked us, Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. Now, we are bleeding to death. What happens if Cuba invades Florida, if Al-Qaeda sets up camps in the Sudan, if terrorists hit a U.S. ship in a Yemen port, if the London subway is bombed, if North Korea invades South Korea?

- The Iraq War was illegal. I know that many right-wing nuts have no respect for international law. But the ultimate irony is that we are violating the very international law we wrote. America used to have ideals and values which we proudly wrote down. See, after World War II, we decided to have trials to hold peeps accountable for that mess – the problem was that there was no law against what were, according to us, obvious illegal acts. So, we wrote the Law – one of the charges we brought against those on trial was conspiracy to wage aggressive war. A prosecutor could cite Bush’s first Cabinet meeting. :p

And that is to say nothing about a war conducted without Congress declaring war.

Good Lord. I do hope the next President who wants to take us to war will ponder my points.

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