Friday, April 29, 2011

Post #270 Consumer Confidence Is Down Due To The Debt Crisis

Be afraid. Be very afraid. It's a sign of the Apocalypse.

I was watching FOX News* the other day and saw the headline: "Consumer Confidence Is Down Due To The Debt Crisis." I appreciate the BIG BOLD graphics on FOX for those of us who don't see as well as we used to; I also appreciate the short headlines for those of us who don't like to think too much; and I appreciate the easy-on-the-eyes FOX girls. :p

"Consumer Confidence Is Down Due To The Debt Crisis" - what does that mean? What is 'consumer confidence?' How do they measure that? Is that different from 'consumer indifference?' :p

Nobody explained. FOX seemed to expect that their viewers would know exactly what 'consumer confidence' is, how they measured it and that President Barack Obama was to blame for it being down.

"Consumer Confidence Is Down Due To The Debt Crisis"-- why not gas prices or jobs, jobs, jobs as being the reason 'consumer confidence' is down? Because Republicans have no answers there.

But the 'debt crises' is something they hope to hang around Obama's neck. Make no mistake: The debt ceiling is a political number -- having nothing to do with economic realities, the conditions on the ground.

It's all politics.

I criticize Kelly's producers for airing such a non-story -- a political hatchet job.

* I still have a crush on Megyn Kelly -- tho she was off that day, replaced by another Bleach Blonde Bobble-Head.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Post #268 Send In Another Clown

Dear Donald Trump,

If your investigators find Barack Obama's birth certificate located in a bound volume in a file cabinet on the first floor of the state Department of Health in Hawaii, will you apologize to Obama?

If your investigators explain to you that Obama -- or any other Hawaiian resident requesting their own birth certificate -- can not legally remove the birth certificate from the Department of Health building or even make a copy of what is know in Hawaii as a 'vital' record and is instead issued a 'certificate of live birth,' will you apologize to the American people for leading them on a wild goose chase?

Thank You, Mr. Trump, for exposing yourself so early in the campaign as somebody who is willing to pander. The answers to your questions -- where is Obama's birth certificate?, why has he not shown it? -- are easily available on the 'net. That you are not willing to look and instead chant with the mob makes you what you are.

Speaking of birth certificates, where is yours, Mr. Trump? I'll be sitting on my front porch, you bring me a copy of your birth certificate and an impartial observer of my choosing to verify the certificate is real, and I'll issue a statement that I cannot prove you are a fraud. I'm waiting....

One of the poor who is robbed to support the rich

Friday, April 08, 2011

Post #267 Pres. Obama Launches His Billion Dollar Reelection Bid

Be afraid. Be very afraid. It's a sign of the Apocalypse.

I was watching FOX News* the other day and saw the headline: "Pres. Obama Launches His Billion Dollar Reelection Bid." I appreciate the BIG BOLD graphics on FOX for those of us who don't see as well as we used to; I also appreciate the short headlines for those of us who don't like to think too much; and I appreciate the easy-on-the-eyes FOX girls. :p

"Pres. Obama Launches His Billion Dollar Reelection Bid" - what does that mean? Is that Obama's goal? Who is the campaign manager for such an obscenely mess? Do they have a web site for donations?

Hhmph! No good, high-falootin' fancy pants Democrats. George W. Bush had the decency to wait until May of the year before the election to launch his re-election bid.

Well, two 'political analysts' explained to Megyn Kelly that some anonymous 'conservative critics' have claimed Obama is, uh, launching a billion dollar bid, and,... well,... that's bad....

Hogwash, I say! This is America!! Money talks -- whining walks!!! If Obama raises a billion dollars, well, good for him....

I criticize Kelly for airing such a non-story with a dubious headline. What happened to her journalistic skills that got her that job?

* I still have a crush on Megyn Kelly -- tho I'm beginning to think that maybe her headline writers are not really 'fair and balanced.'

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Post #266 Sarah Palin's Birth Certificate?, Pt II

In my previous Post, I was NOT dumping on Sarah Louise Palin; I was dumping on 'birthers.' I got another e-mail the other day about Barak Obama and how he was an 'outsider.' I used much of the same language and logic in my Post but substituted Sarah Palin for Barak Obama to highlight my point: What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

You a fan of Sarah Palin? Why? Well, I'm NOT. To me, she has political instincts -- and that is NOT a virtue!

Look at her "Bridge to Nowhere" experience. She was for it before she was against it. She campaigned for governor with a selling point of her support for the Bridge.

Once the Bridge became a national outrage of BIG government wasteful spending, Palin followed her political instincts, read which way the political winds were blowing and flip-flopped.

To make matters worse, she followed more political instincts and tried to have it both ways. She made a BIG production out of killing the Bridge but accepted the earmark money for the Bridge and applied it to other projects -- that's the same kind of double-talk as seen in my previous Post, "I'm not going to criticize Obama, but...."

Palin is just another politician, repeating the same ol' tired clichés when it suits her purpose of stroking her own ego -- getting cheers from a crowd, getting more Facebook friends, winning elections for others, appearing on TV, being a 'player.' Another politician is the last thing we need.

It is true: She will NOT be elected President -- neither will Newt Gingrich, by the way, for the same reason of being a politician. But we do not need her or other political windbags in the national debate.

This can fairly be called dumping on Sarah Palin! :p