Friday, March 25, 2011

Post #265 Sarah Palin's Birth Certificate?

Have you ever seen Sarah Palin's birth certificate? Neither have I.

We all know that Palin's parents went into Canada to slurp at the trough of socialized medicine for the Palin kids. Is it that big of leap in logic to think that Ma Palin went into Canada for pre-natal care and then the birth?

Who has seen Palin's actual birth certificate -- not some copy -- and verified that it was authentic? Who says that observer was impartial? How about a video of the birth and a video of the video -- and sworn oaths all around.

Who is Sarah Louise Palin? Why no medical records, dental records or school transcripts? What is she hiding? Have you seen an interview with a former classmate who has proper identification from a school Palin claims to have attended? Neither have I. All I 'know' is that Palin won Miss Alaska during the early '80s.

But what Palin claims is frightening enough. Palin is not one of us. She's from Alaska. Palin was so obsessed with looking good that she had a tanning bed installed in the governor's mansion -- charged to the Alaskan taxpayer, by the way. Most of us in the lower 48 are not that superficial.

Also, most of learned that communist North Korea invaded democratic South Korea and our ally was -- and still is -- South Korea. Apparently, they teach something different in
Alaska. What else has Palin learned that is wrong?

Here's Palin on what she would have done differently than President Obama in Libya.


SARAH PALIN, FORMER ALASKA GOVERNOR: The U.S. has a tradition, of course, of Americans as we travel to foreign soil, we don't criticize our president's foreign policy. Even as friendly as soil as India is, I won't criticize what his foreign policy has been. But to answer your question, certainly there would have been more decisiveness -- less dithering and more decisiveness.


Well, that's not criticizing. More Alaskan values, eh?

And what does "decisiveness" mean? Palin would have declared a 'no-fly' zone BEFORE all Americans were out of Libya? I'm sure the hostages would thank President Palin.

Palin would have declared a 'no-fly' zone BEFORE our military was ready to enforce it? That would have made us look foolish. She is ready to throw America's reputation under the bus so that she can look good. An Alaskan value, eh?

Please pass this on to every patriotic America who thinks we ought to know more about this 'outsider.'

God Bless America!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Post #264 Want Cheap Gas?

Three options:

1. Invade Iran. Claim they have WMD/terrorists. Steal their oil -- make 'em pay war reparations. George W. Bush's second biggest mistake in Iraq was not making 'em pay.

We've already got the WMD/terrorists argument covered -- indeed, John McCain wants to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. Of course, it is irresponsible to not follow a bombing campaign with troops on the ground to make sure we got what we were bombing and the Iranians are not rebuilding -- but surely McCain knows that.

Surely, McCain knows, too, that Iran will not be a push a pushover, will not welcome us as liberators, and our over-stretched military may be thrown out without using 'the bomb.' Of course, use of 'the bomb' will not win us any friends -- our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan will be the first targets for terrorism. How many trillions are we willing to spend to pacify three terrorist-filled countries?

2. Invade Saudi Arabia. Steal their oil -- no apologies, no excuses. Naked colonialism at its best. This will send a message that the United States will do anything to maintain our standard of living. We hold this truth to be self-evident: That Billy Bubba Jim Bob who wants to drive to the lake to fish every weekend is more important than some camel jockey who wants to feed his family.

3. Park your car. Ride a bike or a moped or a golf cart or your city's electric buses -- reduce your demand. Your city not have electric buses yet? Make that a campaign issue. Not "you" individually -- "you" collectively. Unfortunately, Billy Bubba Jim Bob will not help.

To me, the decline of America began with the '73 Arab Oil Embargo -- America no longer had control of the energy that powered our standard of living. Then, we imported 37% of the oil we used; now, we import 50%. Our negative trade balance in energy runs well over $1 billion a day, a sum much greater than the trade deficit with China or the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Consider the title of this blog: "The Decline and Fall of the American Empire is due to a failure of leadership." And what have we gotten in the way of leadership since '73? Gerald Ford gave us the 55 mph speed limit. Jimmy Carter wore a sweater as he turned down the thermostat in the White House. That has been pretty much it. [rolleyes]

It will all be over in 2012 anyway.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Post #263 New Concern That President Obama Will Be Known As 'The President Who Lost Egypt,' Pt. II

"'Egypt is a defeat for jihad' -- please explain." OK, and I apologize -- again, see my Post #208 -- for being too short, for tending to throw things out there without fully explaining. I foolishly think we are all on the same page in the same playbook -- but that is not always the case.

Jihad -- the 'holy war' declared by terrorists -- holds that violence -- especially coordinated violent attacks by terrorist groups -- is the way to drive America, her allies and her puppets out of the Middle East. Egypt's Hosni Mubarak was seen by many Arabs as an American puppet -- including Al-Qaeda's #2... who is Egyptian.

But Mubarak had survived coordinated violent attacks -- jihad has not worked in Egypt Yet it was peaceful protests that got him. Indeed, a rejection of jihad got rid of Mubarak -- thusly, Egypt is a defeat for jihad.