Friday, November 16, 2012

Post #360 Enjoy The View From The Back Of The Bus! :p, Pt. II

President Barack Obama has done stepped in it. His news conference on Wednesday -- at which he did not use a teleprompter, by the way, pre-empted "The Bold & The Beautiful." Any bounce from his re-election is now gone. :p

Anywho (WARNING: Uh, adult language):

#6 You are threatened with The Truth backed up by True Facts.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Post #359 Enjoy The View From The Back Of The Bus! :p

George W. Bush was so bad that he has been beaten... twice... by a black Muslifrom Kenya. ;O The OBAMATRAIN, the hippist trip in America!

Seriously, TV is no longer in black and white -- this country has changed. We are no longer PALE, MALE and STALE. Embrace the change or continue to get left behind.

You'd think that Republicans would stop visiting that ol' "trickle down" well -- which has obviously run dry. Fresh ideas are needed. Here's one: Tie tax cuts to job creation. If a business creates a new job for a whole year, give 'em a tax cut.

To do so, to tie tax cuts to job creation, would expose the BIG Lie of Republicans: That is, tax cuts (and deregulation) lead to job creation. And where do tax cuts (and deregulation) fit into the law of Supply & Demand? They don't: Tax cuts (and deregulation) have nothing to do with job creation; tax cuts are how the right redistributes wealth. It's social engineering brought to you by your favorite (R).

Look a the case of Continental Tire, for example. Why did they spurn North Carolina and choose South Carolina? Were our taxes too high? Did we have too much regulation? Was it because we lacked an anti-gay Amendment to our state Constitution then? No, we lost Continental Tire because we refused to pay 'em a $45 million bribe --South Carolina paid a $30 million bribe.

The days of ol' Republican talking points are gone -- tax cuts for the wealthy, the fear of "them." Sing it, Ayn Rand:

America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

Brotherhood -- a feeling of fellowship and sympathy and compassion for other people.

Monday, November 05, 2012

Post #358 The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is...

... a dancing horse on the White House lawn! ;O

Seriously, it was President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who said in 1933:

"[T]he only thing we have to fear is... fear itself -- nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory."

Ahh, Roosevelt knew.

"[W]e now realize as we have never realized before our interdependence on each other; that we can not merely take but we must give as well; that if we are to go forward, we must move as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline, because without such discipline no progress is made, no leadership becomes effective. We are, I know, ready and willing to submit our lives and property to such discipline, because it makes possible a leadership which aims at a larger good."

And it starts at the top.

"One thing about discipline... you don't discipline the bottom," Tom O'Brien, the head football coach at N.C. State University and ex-Marine, said. "You discipline the people at the top and when you do, then everybody stands up and pays attention."

For example, Mitt Romney wants everyone to pay the same tax rate. Me, too. Eliminate the Social Security tax cap -- make Romney (and members of Congress and the President) pay the same rate as I do. My Grandma, when she died last year, was drawing $470 a month. That works out to a little bit less than what someone pays who pays the cap. Members of Congress support a little more than one Grandma every year but could support two Grandmas (if they paid the same rate as I do on all of their income). John McCain supports a little more than one Grandma every year but could support four Grandmas (if he paid the same rate as I do on all of his income). Barack Obama supports a little more than one Grandma every year but could support 17 Grandmas (if he paid the same rate as I do on all of his income). Mitt Romney supports a little more than one Grandma every year but could support 300 Grandmas (if he paid the same rate as I do on all of his income). Who is ripping off Grandma? It starts at the top.

Mitt Romney is the tallest boy in class. When the bell rings for recess and everybody runs outside to play dodge ball, the ball sits on a high shelf in the back of the room within easy reach of Romney who had tall parents. Romney refuses to get it, saying he is under no obligation to get the ball and the solution is for the other kids to grow. Half of the class thinks he is selfish jerk; the other half thinks he is right -- even some kids with short parents.

* sigh *