Sunday, July 31, 2011

Post #288 YOU Are Being Fleeced!, Pt. IV

America held hostage by idiots. Raising the debt ceiling is a no-brainer -- the time to curb spending was when the House passed the 2011 budget, ya stupid sh*ts!

"There's Kool-Aid in my Tea!"

Friday, July 29, 2011

Post #287 YOU Are Being Fleeced!, Pt. III

Dude, I just said that!

"It's not a vote that allows Congress to spend more money. Raising the debt ceiling simply gives our country the ability to pay the bills that Congress has already racked up. I want to emphasize that. The debt ceiling does not determine how much more money we can spend, it simply authorizes us to pay the bills we already have racked up. It gives the United States of America the ability to keep its word."
-- Barack Obama, June 29, 2011

Wonder if I can sue for plagiarism!?!

Post #286 YOU Are Being Fleeced!, Pt. II

ANIMATION: The 400 Wealthiest Americans Could Pay Off Everyone's Student Loans

Seriously, I am not opposed to student loans or those who took 'em out repaying 'em. I did. The point is, there is plenty of wealth to solve our 'debt crisis.' We are having a 'debt crisis' because of the unwillingness of the ruling class to rule effectively.

The ruling class? Whites' wealth pulls far ahead of minorities - - The redistribution of wealth IS happening... in WHITES favor. HAPPY TO BE WHITE! :p

And what has our ruling class given us? A 'debt crisis.' Speaker of the House John Boehner criticized the President for deficits. Uh, the President can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it. The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes.

Who is the Speaker of the House? He is the leader of the majority party. He and fellow House members, not the President, can approve any budget they want. If the President vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

And, now, the United States has to borrow money to pay for what the House has already spent. This is not about new spending. Raising the debt ceiling is about being a Man and paying our debts.

But the ruling class wants tax cuts here and tax cuts there. Every tax cut represents a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed, those who are wet and have no shelter. Tax cuts are not just throwing away money; tax cuts are throwing away the sweat of our laborers, the hopes of our children. It is humanity hanging by a noose of greed. It is not ruling effectively.

The ruling class needs to study 18th century history and the French Revolution to see what happens to the ruling class that does not rule effectively. Just saying....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


And what is the deal with those Irish-Americans? Why do they get their own holiday, St. Patrick's Day? Can't we all just get along?

Friday, July 22, 2011


I got an e-mail entitled "BE PROUD TO BE WHITE" in which a racist screed was wrongly attributed to Michael Richards, the actor/comedian. How dare I say the screed was racist? It was based on prejudices and stereotypes related to race, the very definition of racist. Read my reply:

* * *

First, you owe Michael Richards an apology. He did not say that and dropped out of the limelight after his racial 'incident' -- trying to let it die, I guess. And, now, five years later....

But, to the essay:

Seriously? "Why is it that only whites can be racists??"

You do not know? Seriously?

Because America is a WHITE society, most of the power and wealth are in white hands. A racial slur used by a white is offensive -- a white has the power to threaten a minority's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; a racial slur against a white means nothing -- a minority has no power to threaten a white's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. And that is why it is that only whites can be racists.

Of course, I am speaking collectively. Individually, I am sure that Billy Bubba Jim Bob cries in his beer every night because somebody called him a "Honkey." :p And I bet that you can cite examples of others or maybe even yourself being called "Honkey." All I can say is that I have never been called "Honkey" or anything like that. Maybe it depends on how you comport yourself.

Can you name a black President, a black Senator, a black Representative or a black member of the Supreme Court? Of the 545 people responsible for the federal government. I can name four -- I'm even worse regarding state governments.

Take the National Football League, a prime example of good wholesome All-American enterprise. Can you name a black quarterback, a black head coach, a black General Manager or a black owner? The point is, power in the NFL only gets distributed as far as Da Man sees fit -- Da White Man. Power trickles down from the owners, Da White Man.

And where are NFL games televised? White Entertainment Television -- ABC, CBS, NBC, ESPN. BET has white producers, white writers, white advertisers and even white performers. And BET was started in response to racism: MTV would not play videos by black artists in the early days.

Of course, today MTV does not play any videos, but that is a rant for another time.

Where do NFL players come from? WHITE colleges -- see a list of schools in the Bowl Championship Series. Even black colleges admit whites. And black colleges were started in response in racism: WHITE colleges used to not admit black kids -- now, if those kids can play that 'ball.... :p

And what do NFL players study in their WHITE colleges? WHITE history -- March thro January. And, of course, Black History Month was started in response to racism: We now give 'em the shortest month of the year.... :p

Do you see a theme here? Speaking of being started in response to racism, Miss Black America was started because Miss America did not allow blacks to enter. Yes, Thank Goodness, blacks can now enter and win Miss America, and Miss Black America goes on.

Why does Miss Black America continue? Maybe they want to honor the courage of those who started the pageant. Conservatives know something about honoring the past. Why are there Elvis fan clubs today? Elvis has not done anything since he retired from Wal-Mart.... :p

BE PROUD TO BE WHITE? Uh, no. I am proud of my accomplishments. Many WHITE accomplishments leave me ashamed -- slavery, Jim Crow laws, the 'Trail Of Tears,' James Earl Ray. Some WHITE accomplishments do make me smile -- the Civil Rights Act, the criminal justice system that got James Earl Ray. But why be proud of an accident of birth? I did not accomplish being white.

Now, I am HAPPY to be WHITE with the privileges associated with being a member of the dominant group in society.

HAPPY TO BE WHITE. It could catch on.... :p

Friday, July 15, 2011

Post #283 YOU Are Being Fleeced!

When Speaker Of The House John Boehner, minority leader Senator Mitch McConnell and President Barack Obama emerge from the White House with 'peace in our time' -- a debt deal, do not believe it. Nothing from Washington works as well as advertised.

The debt crisis is a hoax. Ever since Thomas Jefferson ran up wine bills he could not afford, we have been living beyond our means. Actually, the debt goes back to Year 1 of the United States -- ol' T.J. was just an outrageous example.

That is why I say the 'debt ceiling' is a political number -- it has nothing to do with the realities on the ground. I agree with Warren Buffet: It is a farce and should be eliminated. It just gives Michele Bachmann something to rant about instead of 'Anti-American homosexuals!' :p

Look, our debt equals roughly one year of our Gross Domestic Product -- kind of silly to be in a crisis mode. Oh, sure, the debt is important and will be important tomorrow. I'd like to see Rudyard Kipling working on the debt -- "If you can keep your head..."

But our "leaders" will announce a deal to avert the crisis, involving 'sacrifice' from everybody... but themselves. If our "leaders" would like to remove the quotes, they can start with themselves. Leadership is setting an example.

No federal employee should make more than $106,000 a year. Payments into Social Security are capped at a tax on $106,000 a year -- meaning that, using very generous and rounded-up figures, a person making $106,000 a year is taxed at a rate to support two Grandmas a year. If you make more than $106,000 a year, well, that is FREE money....

That is what is wrong with this country: Too many deadbeats looking for a handout -- and it starts at the top....

Before President Bachmann repeals Obamacare, she ought to repeal that government-run health care for Congress. Perhaps John McCain will lead a bill to cap Social Security benefits paid to Congress -- say $470 a month (Post #278). Maybe Michelle Obama will open a daycare for illegitimate children to support her husband's give away to unwed mothers (Post #279).

Leave Grandma alone -- or those who want to be a Grandma one day. The point is, there is a lot a leader can do -- just in government itself. Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. And then look at your donor list BEFORE asking Grandma for 'sacrifice.'

* sheesh * Why is this so hard?

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Post #282 Happy 4th!

Gather your neighbors, black, brown and white, red and yellow, and green, 'round. As your great uncle, Billy Bubba Jim Bob, dressed as Thomas Jefferson, reads the Declaration of Independence, in the faint glow before the fireworks start, be sure and give a special nod of 'Thanks' to the Founding Fathers -- and their sons -- who worked tirelessly to end slavery.

Ya learn something new every day.... :p