Post #41
Nah, nah, fib, fib –
Who lost Iraq?
George W. Bush did….
OK, grow up, children. Pat Buchanan appeared on Tucker Carlson’s MSNBC show the other day and said, “The United States is about to suffer an historic defeat here. We can‘t dictate the destiny of that country if we‘re going to pull out. And the way I see it is: We‘re pulling out.”
Yes, Pat, and don’t forget that it is reality that is making us pull out – not Democrats, not nutty bloggers, not Michael Moore, but the reality of Bush’s insistence of fighting this war on the cheap. Bush broke the Army.
Pat also said, “I think the United States—if you‘re not going to win the war—and we‘re not—you‘re going to have to accommodate yourself to the new reality.”
Exactly. We are not going to win. The number of troops needed now to save any kind honor is a physical impossibility – how can Bush recruit more troops when he can’t even recruit at his own dinner table? At least, we’re safe from Al-Qaeda in Argentina. :p
But how about a little honor by following Joe Biden’s plan? Pat said, “I think it‘s a plan that looks very good on paper, but I think that it‘s been bypassed by events. I think, in 2003-2004, the United States—it was a unipolar situation. The United States was the big power in Iraq, in all parts of it; I don‘t think that‘s true anymore.”
Yes. Events have passed us by. Our troops are bogged down in a civil war. I take the opposite view of Bill O. – I think it’s unpatriotic to bury your head in the sand. We have lost. To stay the course now is nothing short of murderous.
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