Friday, December 30, 2011

Post #317 Happy Days Are Here Again!, Pt. II

No, obviously, President Barack Obama does not deserve credit for every bit of good news -- I was just sticking it to those who do not give Obama any credit. The truth is somewhere in between.

Two things I want you, gentle reader, to take from the previous Post:
1) Grand Ol' Pissers :p -- an appropriate name, I thought, for the 'Just Say No' crowd, todays GOP;
2) The 'loyal opposition' needs to offer a better view of the future and how to achieve that future. 'Restore America To A 19th-Century Country' does not cut it -- we live in the 21st-century. [rolleves]

Friday, December 23, 2011

Post #316 Happy Days Are Here Again!

Santa Clause has been good to the Obamas, and President Barack and First Lady Michelle are dancin' a jig in the East Room.

Osama Bin Laden is dead.

The guy who was to replace Bin Laden is dead.

Muammar el Qaddafi is dead.

Kim Jong-II is dead, and the New York Times dutifully reported that the CIA "missed" Kim's illness.

Iran's top nuclear scientist is dead, and another has been wounded in a assassination attempt, and the Iranians blame Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

And we are finally letting the Iraqis fight it out themselves.

Hosni Mubarak is out-of-power.

Bashar Assad is nervous, and Ahmadinejad can't sleep.

On the home front, consumer confidence -- whatever that is -- is up, and consumer spending is at a higher level now than when George W. Bush tanked the economy. The stock market is healthy again. Unemployment is down. The trade deficit is down. And America is on the verge of becoming an oil-exporter nation again -- for the first time in nearly a decade, we will export more oil than we import.

The point is, despite the efforts of the GOP -- the Grand Ol' Pissers, the economy is coming back, and the GOP will pay a political price in 2012 -- in 2012, the voters will say no to the 'Just Say No' crowd. They never should have bet against America.

Of course, anything could happen -- Martians could attack. But things look good for those in the White House now. l'd hate to be betting my political future on the fear that something could happen. Can't the 'loyal opposition' offer a better view of the future?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Post #315 How Washington Works... Or Does NOT Work!

lnteresting crap here: Boehner says House opposes Senate payroll tax bill:

* * *

Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House.

One is from Chicago, the second is from Tennessee and the third is from Minnesota. All three go with a White House official to examine the fence.

The Minnesota contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring, then works some figures with a pencil. "Well," he says, "I figure the job will run about $900: $400 for materials, $400 for my crew and $100 profit for me."

The Tennessee contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, "I can do this job for $700: $300 for materials, $300 for my crew and $100 profit for me."

The Chicago contractor doesn't measure or figure, but leans over to the White House official and whispers, "$2,700." The official, incredulous, says, "You didn't even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?" The Chicago contractor whispers back, "$1000 for me, $1000 for you, and we hire the guy from Tennessee to fix the fence." "Done!" replies the government official.

And then the Republicans give a tax cut to the guy from Chicago because he is a job creator!

And that my friends, is how Washington works!!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Post #314 War Is Over!, Pt. II

Good afternoon,

After nearly nine years, our war in Iraq is ending.

In recent days, many of our troops have come home and been reunited with
their families for the holidays. Over the next few days, a small group of
American soldiers will begin the final march out of Iraq.

This moment of success is because of their sacrifice. More than 1.5
million Americans have served in Iraq. More than 30,000 of these brave
men and women were wounded. Nearly 4,500 gave their lives.
America's military families have borne a heavy burden.

As we mark the end of this war, we need to show our veterans and their
families that they have the thanks of a grateful nation.

Take a minute to look back at the moments that brought us to this point,
then share a personal message of gratitude with those who have served.

Send your message of thanks

Part of ending a war responsibly is standing by those who have fought it.
It's not enough to honor our heroes with words; we must do so with deeds.

That's why we've worked to send 600,000 veterans and family members back
to school on the Post-9/11 GI Bill. That's why one of Michelle's top
priorities as First Lady has been to support military families and why
she's worked with the private sector to get commitments to create 100,000
jobs for those who've served and their spouses. That's why we worked with
Congress to pass a tax credit so that companies have an incentive to hire
vets and have taken steps to help veterans translate military experience
to the private sector job market.

In America, our commitment to those who fight for our freedom and our
ideals doesn't end when our troops take off the uniform.

You can be a part of this effort to honor our heroes.

Help mark this moment. Write a quick note that troops and veterans all
over the world will be able to see:

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

Friday, December 09, 2011

Post #313 Who Is The Real Joke, Donald?

Look in the mirror, pal. Trump: Huntsman and Paul are 'joke candidates':

The real 'joke:' Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire | The Smoking Gun

You, Mr. Trump, are part of the problem!

Friday, December 02, 2011

Post #312 Thrilled To Have Heard From John McCain

But disappointed to have received a form letter that did not address my concerns or questions. As you know -- my Post #281, I e-mailed Senator John McCain with my concern over what I see as a waste of taxpayer money -- his Social Security payment.

I received a reply... almost 5 months later. I do not know yet if I'll bother to reply, but, if I do, it will be something like this:

* * *

Senator John McCain,

Thanks for the reply -- tho I am pretty sure some flunkie wrote that advertising brochure for you. A decent human being -- giving you the benefit-of-the-doubt -- would have offered condolences for my Grandma's death. But that was some flunkie, right?

I would have expected you -- assuming you really wrote that -- to address my question as to why you made over 4 times from Social Security than my Grandma. I'm guessing that you would have said something like: "I paid into the Social Security system; therefore, I am entitled to all the benefits under the rules."

Is that right, Mr. McCain? I'd love to hear a different explanation from you.

Well, I say that sense of entitlement is what is ruining this country -- first and foremost, the sense of entitlement by people like you who have 'won' in life sticking their snout in the trough of big government. You could support 4 Grandmas with your Social Security snort. Why not give it back? It's called leadership -- setting an example for others who have 'won.'

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

So, I laid out my contention that you ought to return your Social Security payments under the theory that you'd be providing leadership by setting an example for others who have 'won' in life to my Dad -- a Reagan Democrat who is a good no-nonsense sounding board for my political ideas. My Dad said "it'd be nice if McCain returned his Social Security payments, buy the rules are that he gets what he gets."

And then it dawned on me: You, Senator McCain, are in a position to change the rules. The problem with this country is too many deadbeats looking for a handout -- and it starts at the top. Make those deadbeats who have already 'won' get their snout out of the trough of big government.

What do you say?

P.S.: My Mom -- bless 'er heart! -- gasped "John McCain, war hero?" -- meaning, of course, 'how dare I ask a war hero for sacrifice?' I answered, "Who better than a patriot would understand the need for sacrifice from EVERYBODY?"

Friday, November 25, 2011

Post #311 Happy Black Friday!

How was your Thanksgiving? I read an e-mail from the White House in Washington, D.C., written by our First Lady, Michelle Obama:

* * *

Good morning,

Every Thanksgiving, Barack sits down to call some of our troops and thank them for their service.

When he tells me about these conversations, it always reminds me of how blessed we are to live in a country where men and women will stand up to protect our freedoms and preserve our way of life. And whenever I've had the chance to meet with these heroes and their families, I've always walked away inspired by their courage and in awe of their strength.

I can't think of any better way to spend Thanksgiving than letting our service members know how grateful we are for everything that they do. So this year, we're making it easy to do just that.

We've partnered with the USO to create a program called Thanks From Everywhere. To get involved, simply visit and write a quick note that troops and veterans all over the world will be able to see.

Add your message to Thanks From Everywhere.

Your note will be added to a map with messages from people all over the country, showing our troops and their families just how much we appreciate their service and sacrifice.

If we all do our part, we'll help to build a wave of support to honor our veterans and their families -- and ensure they get the recognition they deserve this holiday season.

At a time when we are sitting down to share the blessings we've received this past year, please take a moment to be a part of this effort to thank America's heroes and their families.

Send a message to Thanks From Everywhere today:

Happy Thanksgiving,

Michelle Obama

* * *

And how many "anti-Obama" e-mails did you "Fwd" today? How many did you verify? A misinformed electorate, that is what we need.... :p

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Post #310 Missing Michelle Bachmann's 'Cajones,' Pt. II

Good Lord, woman.

"[I]f anyone will not work, neither should he eat."
-- Michelle Bachmann

As Bachmann knows -- or should know, the above quote from the Bible concerns Christians who will not work in anticipation of the Second Coming, not the poor. Indeed, there are over 300 verses in the Bible on how to deal with the poor -- not one verse says to let 'em starve!

Either Bachmann knows this -- and is (mis)using the Bible to advance her own agenda, or she is just stupid.

The campaign needs to end now BEFORE Bachmann says something else stupid, like, say, endorsing torture. Oh, wait.... :p

Friday, November 04, 2011

Post #309 Put Me In Charge . . .

I got this in e-mail, -- tho it was wrong attributed to a 21 year old female who was concerned with the socialism she is being forced to live under:

* * *

Put me in charge of food stamps. I'd get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's, just money for 50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.

Put me in charge of Medicaid. The first thing I'd do is to get women Norplant birth control implants or tubal ligations. Then, we'll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine and document all tattoos and piercings. If you want to reproduce or use drugs, alcohol, smoke or get tats and piercings, then get a job.

Put me in charge of government housing. Ever live in a military barracks? You will maintain our property in a clean and good state of repair. Your "home" will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or xBox 360, then get a job and your own place.

In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a "government" job. It may be cleaning the roadways of trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we find for you. We will sell your 22 inch rims and low profile tires and your blasting stereo and speakers and put that money toward the common good..

Before you write that I've violated someone's rights, realize that all of the above is voluntary. If you want our money, accept our rules.. Before you say that this would be "demeaning" and ruin their "self esteem," consider that it wasn't that long ago that taking someone else's money for doing absolutely nothing was demeaning and lowered self esteem.

If we are expected to pay for other people's mistakes we should at least attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system rewards them for continuing to make bad choices.

* * *

And, of course, the e-mail included this little embellishment:

* * *

AND While you are on Govt subsistence, you no longer can VOTE! Yes, that is correct. For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You will voluntarily remove yourself from voting while you are receiving a Govt welfare check. If you want to vote, then get a job. Now, if you have the guts - PASS IT ON.

* * *

WOW. No wonder Hitler got elected. Hitler stirred up fear and resentment, too. The comments I have seen in support of this have been jaw-dropping....

We have man who wants to fight socialism by being in charge of socialist programs and making welfare recipients second-class citizens. It's like Jim Crow based on the size of your wallet.

I, too, would like to see welfare streamlined and better regulated -- there are too many abled-bodied people collecting benefits who don't deserve help. However, I also realize that most welfare recipients need help thro no fault of their own -- they did not make "bad choices."

Governments are instituted among men to secure the unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Ho Ho's; our government is NOT supposed to deny rights to certain people. It is disheartening to see a 'conservative' who does not seem to understand the proper role of government and can come up with such ideas based on irrational fears and raging paranoia and other 'conservatives' cheering on.

I think many 'conservatives' would benefit from more Sunday School -- "Love thy neighbor," "Do unto others..."

Friday, October 28, 2011

Post #307 Missing Michelle Bachmann's 'Cajones'

Well, not yet.

As of this writing, Michelle Bachman is still a Presidential candidate. But I do expect her to drop out soon -- it's inevitable. Mitt Romney and Rick Perry are way out in front in money -- the cool alternative vs. the hothead.

If Republicans are smart -- [rolleyes] -- and really want to win the White House in 2012, they'll rally around the cool alternative instead of the hothead. In one debate, Romney said of Obama: "He's a nice guy, but he's gotta go." -- a much more appealing sentiment to moderate voters than the hotheaded rhetoric coming from Perry, Cain, et al. To win the election of 2012, Republicans must not stir up Obama's base and drive away moderates -- which is exactly what they are doing.

But I'll miss Michelle Bachmann.

Now, don't get me wrong. With the possible exception of Rick Santorum among the Republican candidates, a President Michelle Bachmann would most scare the stuffing out of me. Her lack of knowledge and judgment is terrifying. It's not what you know; it's what you know to be 'right' that is actually 'wrong.' A lack of knowledge can be overcome if you have the judgment to know you need to study.

But at least she had the 'cajones' to run -- unlike other people who criticized President Obama's every move as tho they were a candidate themselves but eventually decided to instead fly around the country raising millions of dollars by stirring up fear and resentment.

If Michelle Bachmann needs to raise money to pay off her campaign debt, sell a T-shirt --"Michelle Bachmann: Bigger 'Cajones' Than Sarah Palin." I'd buy one. :p

Friday, October 21, 2011

Post #306 War Is Over!

Foreign policy -- you either get that right, or nothing else matters....

* * *

Good evening,

I'm writing to tell you that all US troops will return home from Iraq by the end of December. After nearly nine years, the American war in Iraq will end. Our servicemen and women will be with their families for the holidays.

The war in Iraq came with tremendous cost. More than a million Americans served in Iraq, and nearly 4,500 gave their lives in service to the rest of us. Today, as always, we honor these patriots.

When I came into office, I pledged to bring the war in Iraq to a responsible end. As Commander in Chief, I ended our combat mission last year and pledged to keep our commitment to remove all our troops by the end of 2011. To date, we've removed more than 100,000 troops from Iraq.

This is a significant moment in our history. For more information, including video, please visit

The end of the war in Iraq reflects a larger trend. The wars of the past decade are drawing to a close.

As we have removed troops from Iraq, we have refocused our fight against al Qaeda and secured major victories in taking out its leadership -- including Osama bin Laden. And we've begun a transition in Afghanistan.

On the first day of my Administration, roughly 180,000 troops were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. By the end of this year that number will be cut in half, and we'll continue to draw it down.

As we welcome home our newest veterans, we'll enlist their talents in meeting our greatest challenges as a nation -- restoring our economic strength at home. Because after a decade of war, the nation that we need to build is our own.

Today the United States moves forward, from a position of strength.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Post #305 Free John Edwards! :p

Well, an out-of-control prosecutor has succeeded into turning the most hated man in North Carolina, John Edwards -- personally, I would like to see him hounded to his unmarked grave, into a noble victim. OK, maybe not so "noble" -- :p

George Holding, the U.S. attorney at the helm of the investigation, recently announced his plans to seek a congressional seat as a Republican in 2012 after the conclusion of the Edwards investigation. Holding contributed to the campaign of former Senator Lauch Faircloth in 1998, whom Edwards defeated for the U.S. Senate.

And now we have a 'witch hunt.'

Yes, it disgusts me to think that Edwards paid 'hush' money out of his campaign funds to cover up his affair with that "freak," Rielle Hunter -- to use Edwards' own word. But I think, too, what we have is a prosecutor who continued to abuse his governmental office until he got something to stick.

What stuck?

Um, $900,000 went directly to Rielle Hunter -- not to the Edwards campaign -- to cover living, medical and other expenses. Prosecutors argue the donations exceeded legal limits and were campaign contributions because they were meant to be used to hide his pregnant mistress from the public during his 2008 presidential run.

Even if the motivation is true -- and I think so, do not go there:

Edwards is the first person ever to be criminally prosecuted under the theory that such payments -- going from one person's private account to the private account of someone other than the candidate -- can be deemed a campaign contribution. There has been no such civil enforcement action, either.

Giving money to a candidate's pregnant mistress is not a campaign contribution. Maybe it should be.

The thing to do is to write that giving money to a candidate's pregnant mistress is a campaign contribution into the rulebook -- call it the 'Edwards' rule. But to allow a prosecutor to retroactively change the definitions invites more and more prosecutorial abuse -- and wastes of taxpayer money.

Edwards, a slimy sleezeball, played by the rules as they were written at the time. It's time to move on.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Post #304 Who Lost Continental Tire?

Continental Tire is a BIG international company -- based in Germany, I believe -- that was looking for a place in America to build a $500,000 plant with 1300 jobs, and we, Louisiana and our dim-witted cousins in South Carolina were the finalists. The plant is locating in South Carolina. End of story? No, North Carolina Republicans and Democrats are blaming each other over who 'lost' Continental Tire.

Democratic Governor Beverly Perdue's son works for the law firm that helped Continental Tire chose a site in North Carolina as one of the finalist sites -- a site that is owned by a Democratic state senator and political supporters of the Governor.

Republican Senate leader Phil Berger said the proposed deal with Continental "reeked with cronyism." "She had nothing to do with that site," Jim Bradshaw, who heads the Brunswick County Economic Development Commission -- they offered the site at the middle of the stink. The company had considered eight locations in North Carolina before focusing on the one in question, but there is no evidence it preferred that one because of political relationships -- as of today.

"I don't know if I have all the information to connect those dots," Berger backpedaled. A Republican having trouble with the dots -- imagine that! Hey, look up Bev's skirt, there might be some WMD up there.... :p

So, who lost Continental Tire?

Jochen Etzel, CEO of Continental Tire the Americas, said at a news conference, "South Carolina offered us the most compelling business climate that allows us to create these jobs with competitive pay and benefits for the people of this great state."

Um, well, what kind of "business climate" does South Carolina have? Well, they have an industrial park with the infrastructure built in, including a research facility associated with Clemson University -- two automotive firms have already located there. And South Carolina offered a $31 million bribe.

Continental Tire demanded $45 million from us. The Republicans balked.

Last month, in a letter to Governor Perdue, Berger raised objections to paying $45 million demanded by the company -- up front. "We all share your commitment to attracting jobs for North Carolina," he wrote, "but the negative impacts to North Carolina’s fund availability for education, overall fiscal stability and economic strength outweigh the speculated job creation in this instance." The Republicans offered $45 million spread out over 15 years.

From where I sit, the Republicans lost Continental Tire. But they should also be proud of not giving in to extortion. Only time will tell if this was a good decision of if, as Perdue said, that Berger concluded "the jobs were not worth it."

It seems obvious to me that North Carolina should invest in their own move-in ready industrial park and education, But the Republicans are too busy cutting thousands of education jobs here in North Carolina.

Or we need the NC JOB Fund -- the North Carolina Just Ol' Bribery Fund. Give it a try -- it worked for Rick Perry. :p

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Post #303 Welfare In Florida : A Crime To Be Poor?

I got another "Fwd" e-mail -- "Hooray for Florida!!!!" -- and was asked to "Fwd" it if I agreed 100%. No, I do not agree 100% with that e-mail, and I refuse to engage in narrow-minded stereotyping to as a reason to violate the Constitution.

The e-mail said: "In signing the new law, Republican Gov. Rick Scott said, 'If Floridians want welfare, they better make sure they are drug-free.' Applicants who test positive for illicit substances won't be eligible for the funds for a year, or until they undergo treatment. Those who fail a second time would be banned from receiving funds for three years! Naturally, a few people are crying this is unconstitutional. How is this unconstitutional ?"

This policy is unconstitutional because it violates the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches. The Constitution says that the government may conduct searches based on the reasonable suspicion of a crime having been committed, and it is unreasonable to suspect a welfare recipient of a crime just because they receive welfare.

That is not just my opinion; it is an opinion held by the courts, including the Supreme Court -- Scalia and Thomas, you may have heard of 'em. :p

Yes, I am aware that 'peeing in a cup' is NOT a big deal, but that, too, has been ruled a 'search' by those same courts. You know, a search of your home computer is NOT a big deal, either -- how about we target those lazy Social Security recipients who scam the system?

The problem, I think, is that many people are mistakenly thinking the Bill Of Rights applies to private employers. Of course, the truth is a private employer can violate an employee's rights willy-nilly and order searches -- non-evasive searches will not raise a peep. Nor should they -- when conducted by a private employer.

The first rounds of testing in Florida showed that 96% of welfare recipients were clean -- a better average than the general public -- while 2%.were dirty and 2% refused to take the test. Maybe they should test college students... or politicians. :p

But people say -- as the e-mail stated: "It's completely legal that every other working [person has] to pass drug tests in order to get a J-O-B" -- FALSE: I've never taken a drug test to get a J-O-B and do not know anybody who has. Indeed, being a policeman is the only J-O-B around here that requires a drug test.

The e-mail began: "I-95 will be jammed for the next month or so........Druggies and deadbeats heading North out of Florida .."

A joke or an exaggeration is NOT funny when it leads to discriminatory policy -- such as, most child molesters are bald men, let's take all bald men downtown and give 'em a psychological test to prove they are OK. That's NOT funny if you're bald! :p

You want to help? Call the police 'tip line' and report a welfare recipient you know to be using drugs. Or tell the lawmakers to spend money on more police or rehab instead of targeting 'them' with drug tests. Or de-criminalize drugs.

Making sure 'they' are drug-free may or may not be a worthy goal, but try a different -- constitutional -- approach.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Post #301 "It's class warfare..."

... said the rich man.

Yes, it is.

After 30 years of being trickled on, We the People want our country back from the political elite who rob from the poor and give to the rich. The difference between the "haves" and the "have nots" is greater now than anytime since the Great Depression started. It's pretty obvious who has been waging 'war' on whom, and now is the time for We the People to fight back.

Yes, 'class warfare' is on.

Let me be clear. The wealth gap doesn't bother me; the way the gap has widened does -- gifts to the rich and corporations and policies that ensure their gifts remain gifts with no strings attached. We the People don't want to punish those who have achieved the American dream and those who have achieved the American dream don't want to punish their fellow citizens. Stop trying to divide us, Mr. 'Class Warfare' Republican!

President Barack Obama has proposed to make sure those making more than $1 million a year pay at least the same rate as middle-income taxpayers -- Obama will call it the "Buffett Rule." Billionaire Warren Buffett said that the wealthy are sometimes effectively taxed at a lower rate than others -- investment income is taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income.

Duh. Income is income. Who's responsible for saying investment income is not 'real' income?

As I researched as to why Republicans were so upset by this leveling of the playing field -- I mean, beside the obvious of an uppity black man doing the proposing, a recurring theme was that this would hurt small businesses. So, I found on the FOX Business 'site interviews with small business owners as to how the "Buffett Rule" would effect them. All of the interviewees said that it would not effect them because they did not make more than $1 million a year.

And then it dawned on me: A business that makes more than $1 million a year is not exactly "small."

But... but... but... class warfare is bad. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, obviously hit hard by the recession [rolleyes] -- he now ranks 12th on the list of wealthiest Senators up from 38th at the beginning of the recession in 2008, said:

"We can't let the people who've been hit hardest by this recession and who we need to create the jobs that will get us out of it foot the bill for the Democrats' two-year adventure in expanded government."

Republican populism at its best! Concern and compassion for those who still can pay for their food, who still can live in comfort and luxury, who aren't losing their jobs and health insurance in great numbers, and who aren't living paycheck to paycheck.

Of course, too, McConnell forgets his own role in that runaway train of expanded government.

Mr. McConnell, you are on the losing side. We the People will see to it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Post #300 05/08/12: A Day Of Infamy

"All, too, will bear in mind this sacred principle, that though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; that the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression."
-- Thomas Jefferson

A quote from ol' TJ is a good place to start any political discussion....

On May 8, 2012, North Carolina will be exposed as having as many bigots as Alabama, Mississippi or -- gasp! -- South Carolina for, on that day, North Carolinians will vote to oppress a minority by an amendment to the North Carolina Constitution that says that marriage rights, privileges and responsibilities shall be confined to couples consisting of one man and one woman, and that the state shall not recognize any other domestic partnership among consenting adults.

So, North Carolina will join the rest of the Southeast in having an 'anti-gay marriage' amendment in their state Constitution. Now, I've always known that North Carolina was full of bigots, but I enjoyed having a 'good no-nonsense' reputation. But that will change on May 8.

Yep, the Republican-controlled Legislature of North Carolina, with unemployment creeping above 10% in North Carolina, decided to call a special session -- at a cost of $150,000 -- to put this important issue on the primary ballot when Republicans can vote for Rick Perry in the Presidential primary. And how does this make 'em good stewards of our money!?!

All in the name of protecting marriage. It seems to me that the best way to protect marriage would be to outlaw divorce -- tho Newt Gingrich who is on wife #3 might object!

This means that unmarried couples - gay or straight - will be constitutionally barred from numerous benefits automatically given to married couples. No right to visit a loved one in the hospital, no right to make medical decisions on behalf of their incapacitated partners, no inheritance rights shall be extended to a boyfriend or girlfriend. Indeed, a boyfriend or girlfriend cannot make funeral and burial decisions or have access to Social Security and government medical care. Indeed, the General Accounting Office listed over 1000 federal benefits to married couples.

That is why I oppose all marriages -- straight, gay, or the marriage to your dog or your daughters: The government has no interest in promoting unions of any kind -- thro tax breaks or any incentives.

It can be argued that, during the 19th century, the government had an interest in promoting unions and therefore children. The country needed to be populated, and government codifying the value of religious marriage was the way to go. But that changed sometime during the 20th century.

However, the government does have an interest in promoting the establishments of homes to raise children as this would be cheaper than government-financed orphanages. Therefore, gay couples who want to raise children should get government benefits for doing so.

Please note that my argument as of today has nothing to do with religion -- neither for nor against a religious definition of marriage. This amendment is an intrusion by the government into the church's domain. I believe in the separation of church and state....

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Post #299 Foaming-At-The-Mouth Insanity: A Personal Story, Pt. II

Again, Vice President Joe Biden did NOT "out" SEAL Team 6 nor did he disclose any operational details.

But, boy, you never would have known that by trudging thro many right-wing blogs -- as I did. In search for the truth, I checked out quite a few blogs that advertised themselves as being for truth, justice and the American way.

Uh-oh, I have long believed that, if somebody threatens you with the truth, you are about to hear spin. Well, these blogs spared no kind of personal insult to Biden and President Barack Obama while ignoring Admiral Edward Winters, the one who "outed" SEAL Team 6. When the truth hurts, just ignore it....

A side note about the right-wing universe: The e-mail I originally got -- "Biden Outs SEAL Team 6" -- was posted word-for-word at numerous blogs without attribution. Or the e-mail was copied from a blog without attribution. It seems like the vast right-wing conspiracy is alive and well. :p

The "Foaming-At-The-Mouth Insanity" charge comes because many of these same blogs, after that helicopter carrying SEALs went down, accused Biden and Obama of plotting and planning to kill SEAL Team 6. The theory: The Bin Laden raid was a hoax -- Bin Laden was already dead, and Team 6 members needed to be silenced.

Good Lord. I need a shower. It's frightening to me that peeps with the ability to connect to the 'net talk such garbage. We really should require a license to use the information highway.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Post #298 Foaming-At-The Mouth Insanity: A Personal Story

I got a "Fwd" e-mail the other day -- "Biden Outs SEAL Team 6." It was full of the same ol' same ol' -- "that dirty stinkin' Obama is a crooked no-good Muslim from Kenya." And since Biden is part of the Obama administration -- blah, blah, blah....

But the actual charge turned out to be true -- well, kind of. The e-mail quoted Secretary of Defense Bob Gates: "Frankly, a week ago Sunday, in the Situation Room, we all agreed that we would not release any operational details from the effort to take out Bin Laden -- [May 1]. That all fell apart on Monday, the next day [May 2]."

I did some research. That quote is true. What happened on May 2?

The current chief of the Navy SEALS, Rear Admiral. Edward Winters, at Naval Special Warfare Command in California, sent an email on May 2 congratulating his forces and cautioning them to keep their mouths shut. "Be extremely careful about operational security. The fight is not over."

Well, the news media -- including FOX News -- reported SEAL Team 6 as being the guys who killed Bin Laden and cited Winters' e-mail as government conformation. Let us point out that FOX News and other media had been speculating that it was the SEALs, but now the cat was out of the bag.

The next day, May 3, Vice President Joe Biden spoke at Washington's Ritz Carlton Hotel at a dinner event to mark the 50th anniversary of the Atlantic Council. "Let me briefly acknowledge tonight's distinguished honorees," he said. "Admiral James Stavridis is the real deal. He can tell you more about and understands the incredible, the phenomenal, the just almost unbelievable capacity of his Navy SEALs and what they did last Sunday."

So, Biden did NOT "out" SEAL Team 6 nor did he disclose any operational details.

The "Foaming-At-The-Mouth Insanity" comes next.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Post #297 9/04: A Day Of Infamy

President George W. Bush's Cabinet held its first meeting on the threat of Al-Qaeda on September 04, 2001. One week later, Bush got the word of the 9/11 attacks, stared like a deer caught in the headlights and pondered 'who could have done this?' Really? No idea, huh?

The CIA had been tracking Bin Laden for five years, and Bush had received 40 Presidential Daily Briefings concerning Bin Laden, and Bush was taken by surprise. [rolleyes]

I do not blame Bush for not connecting the dots; I do blame Bush for ignoring the dots. He did NOTHING -- no warnings, no follow-up questions. That's why I say, George W. Bush was derelict in his duty -- he willing refused to perform his duties of keeping Americans safe -- and should have been impeached.

I realize "impeachment" is a political trial, and, maybe, the outcome would have been to have left him in office -- a la Clinton. But, if his incompetence had of been laid out in a trial, maybe, we would not still be in Afghanistan and Iraq. * sigh *

Friday, September 02, 2011

Post #292 GWB's Pearl Harbor Speech

President George W. Bush strutted to the podium before Congress on December 8, 1941, and said:

Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives:

Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the darn tootin' Empire of Japan.

Remember the character of the onslaught against us, daggumit.

No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.

I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us.

Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger, gosh darnit.

With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help me God.

I declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.

Here is what we gonna do:

I'm not gonna ask Congress to declare war against Japan, but I will ask Congress for an authorization to use military force against Mexico.

The leader of Mexico, Don Juan, is bad man. He invaded a neighbor ten years ago, and he tried to kill my Daddy. Also, British intelligence indicates that Don Juan is building submarine bases for use by the Germans.

See, it's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3. Get rid of Don Juan: Mexico falls, then Germany falls, finally Japan falls. That will teach 'em!

Now, y'all have a Merry Christmas. Go shopping. And God bless America!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Post #196 He Answered Duty's Call

Meet a Hero: Wounded in Iraq

Michael Dinkel

After the towers fell in the terror attacks on 9/11/01, Michael Dinkel dropped all other plans. He chose to answer duty's call.

He fought for you and me in Iraq. He gave his leg for our country!

That's the kind of sacrifice you salute each time you choose to help heroes through the Disabled American Veterans (DAV).

Michael was wounded while coming to the aid of troops hit by a roadside bomb. Insurgents had planted a second bomb in the path they thought a rescue team might take. They were right.

A violent blast destroyed Michael's right leg, broke his back, mangled his face, and knocked out four of his teeth!

But because you chose to be there through your fervent support of the leader in service to disabled veterans, Michael isn't looking back.

Michael feels no self-pity, no regrets. He's just grateful for your help.

Keeping Patriots Alive in Our Hearts!

Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans


Since its founding more than 90 years ago, Disabled American Veterans has
been dedicated to a single purpose: Building Better Lives for America's
Disabled Veterans and Their Families.

P.O. Box 14301 | Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301

Please thank a disabled veteran for their sacrifice and service!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Post #195 Rick Perry -- The Real Deal?

According to Bob Harris, a North Carolina political operative and a Michele Bachmann supporter, Rick Perry is a Republican LBJ, a career politician who's enriched himself and his friends through government connections. Uh-oh, does that mean he has been slurping at the trough of BIG government while politicking against that same BIG government?

Rick Perry accepted over $80,000 in farm subsidies over an eleven-year period while he was a Texas Legislator and Texas Agriculture Commissioner until he sold his farm in 1998 -- including several years in which he was paid NOT to farm. Yes, Perry received government funds to NOT work -- isn't that kind of like welfare!?! :p

Rick Perry controls the Texas Enterprise Fund and the Texas Emerging Technology Fund.

The Enterprise Fund has dispensed $435 million in grants to businesses since 2003. More than a quarter of the companies that have received grants from the Enterprise Fund or their chief executives made contributions to either Perry's campaign dating back to 2001 or to the Republican Governors Association since 2008 when Perry became its chairman.

The Technology Fund has doled out nearly $200 million to companies since 2005. This, too, operates on a similar pay-to-play scheme -- or, as I saw one commentator colorfully describe it, "incest."

1. I can hardly believe that Texans feel these gifts are an appropriate use of taxpayer money -- how does this sit with the idea that governments are instituted among men to secure unalienable rights for the people? Whatever happened to the idea that businesses would succeed or fail based on their own merits?

2. I can hardly believe that Texans feel the governor should be in control of gifts from Texas. Who is benefiting here? Mr. Average Texan or Rick Perry who, as Governor, has raised more than $100 million in campaign funds? That is, for every five dollars that Texas gave out in gifts, one dollar goes into Perry's pocket.

Yeah, but is Rick Perry the real deal? Well, he is a real politician alright....

P.S.: "We are fed up with bailout after bailout and stimulus plan after stimulus plan, each one of which tosses principle out the window along with taxpayer money."

Sound familiar, Rick? It's from your own book "Fed Up" -- written BEFORE you balanced the last two state budgets using stimulus money.

And, of course, stimulus money -- $10 million -- is being used to repair the Governor's mansion while the Texan taxpayer is paying nearly $10,000 a month for Perry to live in a three-story mansion with a heated pool, cabana and guest house.

I saw a commentator defending Perry's extravagance by snidely asking "What is he supposed to do? Live in a trailer?" Yes, I thought, show some leadership -- set an example.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Post #194 Racism 101, Pt. II

Nothing stirs up like 'racism.' Gimme another chance -- and please note that I am using 'black' as a shorthand for 'minority' (in other words, any minority faces these same issues):

The question remains: "Why is it that only whites can be racists??"

Blacks do not have the power to enforce their prejudices in America.

Of course, it's also true:

Blacks do have the power to enforce their prejudices in Kenya.

Now, I am HAPPY TO BE WHITE with the privileges associated with being a member of the dominant group in society. America is a WHITE society, most of the power and wealth are in white hands. Whites' wealth pulls far ahead of minorities - The redistribution of wealth IS happening... in whites' favor. HAPPY TO BE WHITE! :p

I have the economic, political, social power in this society. If I use a racial slur, it is offensive -- I have the power to threaten a black's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; a racial slur against me means nothing -- a black has no power to threaten my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

We have eliminated the direct political expressions of racism. Until the mid-'60s, all sorts of laws and rules were enforced to support the prejudices of whites -- blacks had to ride in the back of the bus, for example. In contrast, today, blacks do not have the power -- even with a black living in the White House -- to make Glenn Beck use a 'whites only' entrance to the White House. :p

Now, political expressions of racism are sneaky. Today, you may oppose public school funding -- which may or may not be related to prejudices, but surely blacks will bear the brunt. That is what is known as "institutional racism" -- and, too often, is just a front for prejudices. Think about that the next time you are asked to sign a petition for 'neighborhood schools.'

Take the O.J. Simpson case, for example, in which blacks were able to enforce their prejudices and return a "not guilty" verdict. Why were blacks in that position? Because the WHITE criminal justice system put 'em there -- NEVER again.... :p

Of course, socially, things seem to be improving -- well, maybe not. But the economy is firmly in white hands!

And that is why it is that only whites can be racists. Racism = prejudice + power. A white who uses a racial slur is a racist; a black who uses a racial slur is a fool. There is your answer. NOT saying that "Racism = prejudice + power" is 'correct' or the only definition, but it does answer "Why is it that only whites can be racists??"

Of course, I am speaking collectively. Individually, I laugh at Billy Bubba Jim Bob who cries in his beer every night because somebody called him a "Honkey." :p

Of course, too, I am not laughing at the examples sent to me of blacks acting on their prejudices. I hate that a black kid kicked a white kid in the head because of the prejudice that all whites have a snotty tude. That black kid should have the book thrown at 'im! Being racial? Yes. Being racist? No. There is a difference -- what this Post is about.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Post #193 Racism 101

Nothing stirs up like 'racism.' Gimme another chance:

The question remains: "Why is it that only whites can be racists??"

The answer: Blacks do not have the institutional power to enforce their prejudices in America.

Of course, it's also true:

Blacks do have the institutional power to enforce their prejudices in Kenya.

I am HAPPY TO BE WHITE with the privileges associated with being a member of the dominant group in society. America is a WHITE society, most of the power and wealth are in white hands. Whites' wealth pulls far ahead of minorities - The redistribution of wealth IS happening... in whites' favor. HAPPY TO BE WHITE! :p

If I use a racial slur, it is offensive -- I have the power to threaten a minority's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; a racial slur against me means nothing -- a minority has no power to threaten my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Until the mid-'60s, all sorts of laws and rules were enforced to support the prejudices of whites -- blacks had to ride in the back of the bus, for example. Blacks do not have the power -- even with a black living in the White House -- to make Glenn Beck use a 'whites only' entrance to the White House. :p

Today, you may oppose public school funding -- which may or may not be related to prejudices, but surely blacks will bear the brunt. That is what is known as 'institutional racism' -- and, too often, is just a front for prejudices. Think about that the next time you are asked to sign a petition for 'neighborhood schools.'

Take the O.J. Simpson case, for example, in which blacks were able to enforce their prejudices and return a "not guilty' verdict. Why were blacks in that position? Because the WHITE criminal justice system put 'em there -- NEVER again.... :p

And that is why it is that only whites can be racists. Racism = negative prejudice + power. A white who uses a racial slur is a racist; a black who uses a racial slur is a fool. There is your answer.

Of course, I am speaking collectively. Individually, I laugh at Billy Bubba Jim Bob who cries in his beer every night because somebody called him a "Honkey." :p

Of course, too, I am not laughing at the examples sent to me of blacks acting on their prejudices. Being racial? Yes. Being racist? No. There is a difference -- what this Post is about.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Post #291 9/11: A Day Of Infamy, Pt. II

Look at August 06, 2001, and Bush's Presidential Daily Briefing: "Bin Laden determined to attack inside U.S.," the "historical" document which had no "actionable" intelligence. No, obviously, that PDB did not specify a time, date or place, but surely a warning must not be specific in order for a President to take action.

The only thing new in that PDB -- Bush had received 40 PDBs concerning Bin Laden by that time -- was that the FBI was conducting 70 investigations. This was a good point for Bush to have called the FBI -- "70 investigations? That's a lot. What's up with that?"

Bush was not engaged against terrorism BEFORE 9/11. Having a President who is not engaged before disaster has implications -- ask the survivors of Hurricane Katrina.

Jihadists hijacking planes in the air, flying the planes themselves, using the planes as large guided/cruise missiles against buildings was not "unimaginable."

In 1996, when the Olympics were held in Atlanta, I paid attention to the preparations because 1) it was close, and 2) it was supposed to be the last Olympics before the end of time. Of course, they were worried bout terrorism, such as commandoes Munich-style or truck bombs World Trade Center-style or Oklahoma City-style or planes flying into buildings.

Indeed, when Amanda Beard won her swimming medals in what was basically an outdoor arena, the TV cameras would scan the night sky and show the lights of the planes landing at the Atlanta airport, and the TV guys talked about how dangerously close they were even tho the FAA had ordered a three-mile no-fly zone.

Why were they worried about planes flying into buildings? Well, at the trial of the first WTC bomber, they laid out the details of a plot from the Philippines to blow up 11 planes over the Pacific and hijack two others in the air and fly them into buildings.

Remember the plane in France jihadists wanted to hijack and fly into the Eiffel Tower in 1994? Commandos stormed the plane on the ground -- jihadists learned that they needed to hijack planes in the air and fly them themselves. The intelligence community -- and anybody else paying attention -- picked up on hijacking plane in the air, flying the planes themselves, using the planes as large guided/cruise missilesagainst buildings as a way of the jihadists.

Indeed, different pre-9/11 plots have named the Sears Tower, CIA headquarters, the Seatle SpaceNeedle, the TransAmerica building in San Francisco among others as targets for the jihadists to hijack planes in the air, fly the planes themselves, using the planes as large guided/cruise missiles against buildings.

Yes, Bush was taken by surprise -- obviously. But the U.S. intelligence community warned Bush about an imminent attack wherein jihadists would hijack planes in the air, fly the planes themselves, using the planes as large guided/cruise missiles against buildings, and Egypt, France, Israel and Russia passed on their own warnings in the month before 9/11; Bush did NOTHING -- other than to tell a messenger, "You've covered your ass now."

I would expect a President -- any President -- to do like Franklin Delano Roosevelt in November 1940 and at least issue a war warning: Have the FAA warn the airlines about the threat of hijackings and tell them to take precautions; step up the air marshals; call the FBI -- "hey, buddy, the CIA is here having a fit 'bout terrorism. What do ya know 'bout that?"

Again, Bush did NOTHING. That's why I say, George W. Bush was derelict in his duty -- he willing refused to perform his duties of keeping Americans safe.

The bottleneck is at the top of the bottle. Um, 9/11 was NOT an intelligence failure; the failure was in the White House. I think a President should be aware of what his intelligence community had been working on for five years. Does the buck stop in the White House -- yes or no?

And they gave us Iraq instead....

President George W. Bush stood atop the rubble of the World Trade Center, wrapped his arm around a firefighter and said, "These terrorists shall hear from us. But, if we can't get 'em, we will invade a country that did not attack us and does not threaten us."

Wait -- was that a dream or a nightmare?

Indeed, at a 9/13 meeting in the Oval Office with Senators Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer of New York and Senators John Warner and George Allen of Virginia about getting aid for their states. Bush said, "When I take action, I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to be decisive."

And so the Decider decided. He wouldn't repeat President Clinton's 'mistake' of chasing shadows -- he was going after bigger fish....

Friday, August 05, 2011

Post #290 9/11: A Day Of Infamy

Ten years later, the question remains: Does a President have any responsibility for the failures of his own government? Does the buck stop in the White House?

I consider a successful terrorism attack to be a failure. I'd expect a President -- any President -- to review what happened and fire those responsible. George W. Bush opposed the 9/11 Commission, refused to give a formal interview to Congress and promoted Condoleezza Rice. I think he failed to be responsible.

The most depressing thing I saw on TV during MSNBC's replay of the coverage of that morning was, before 12 noon, Tom Brokaw identified the prime suspect, Osama bin Laden, and cited a speech he had given in London the month before in which he threatened the United States.

Why wasn't Bush all over this?

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, January 17, 2001)

SANDY BERGER, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER: With survivors of the U.S.S. Cole reinforced the reality that America is in a deadly struggle with a new breed of anti-Western jihadists. Nothing less than a war, I think, is fair to describe this.


As Senator Carl Levin said as the new administration took office, "I'm concerned that we may not be putting enough emphasis on countering the most likely threats to our national security and to the security of our forces deployed around the world, those asymmetric threats, like terrorist attacks on the U.S.S. Cole on our barracks and our embassies around the world, on the World Trade Center."

And where was Bush?

On January 25, 2001, five days after Bush took office, Richard Clarke, former counterterrorism czar, sent Condi Rice a memo, attaching to it a document entitled "Strategy for Eliminating the Threat of al Qaeda." It was, Clarke wrote, "developed by the last administration to give to you, incorporating diplomatic, economic, military, public diplomacy, and intelligence tools."

On February 26, 2001, Paul Bremer said of the administration, "What they will do
is stagger along until there's a major incident, and then suddenly say, Oh, my God, shouldn't we be organized to deal with this?"

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, February 27, 2001)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Taliban in Afghanistan, they have offered that they are ready to hand over Osama bin Laden to Saudi Arabia if the United States drops its sanctions, and they have a kind of deal that they want to make with the United States. Do you have any comments?

ARI FLEISCHER, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Let me take that and get back to you on that.


Ari never did.

Clarke had a meeting with the deputies of Cabinet Secretaries in April of 2001, when, he says, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz insisted the real terrorism threat was not al Qaeda but Iraq.

Why a meeting with the deputies and not the Secretaries themselves? Bush had downgraded counterterrorism from a cabinet-level job, so Clarke now dealt instead with deputy secretaries. As Clarke told the 9/11 Commission, "It slowed it down enormously, by months. First of all, the deputies' committee didn't meet urgently in January or February."

The Secretaries' first meeting on al Qaeda was not until after Labor Day, on September 4, 2001.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011


And why do those Italian-Americans get their own crime syndicate, the Mafia? Why are we so divided?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Post #288 YOU Are Being Fleeced!, Pt. IV

America held hostage by idiots. Raising the debt ceiling is a no-brainer -- the time to curb spending was when the House passed the 2011 budget, ya stupid sh*ts!

"There's Kool-Aid in my Tea!"

Friday, July 29, 2011

Post #287 YOU Are Being Fleeced!, Pt. III

Dude, I just said that!

"It's not a vote that allows Congress to spend more money. Raising the debt ceiling simply gives our country the ability to pay the bills that Congress has already racked up. I want to emphasize that. The debt ceiling does not determine how much more money we can spend, it simply authorizes us to pay the bills we already have racked up. It gives the United States of America the ability to keep its word."
-- Barack Obama, June 29, 2011

Wonder if I can sue for plagiarism!?!

Post #286 YOU Are Being Fleeced!, Pt. II

ANIMATION: The 400 Wealthiest Americans Could Pay Off Everyone's Student Loans

Seriously, I am not opposed to student loans or those who took 'em out repaying 'em. I did. The point is, there is plenty of wealth to solve our 'debt crisis.' We are having a 'debt crisis' because of the unwillingness of the ruling class to rule effectively.

The ruling class? Whites' wealth pulls far ahead of minorities - - The redistribution of wealth IS happening... in WHITES favor. HAPPY TO BE WHITE! :p

And what has our ruling class given us? A 'debt crisis.' Speaker of the House John Boehner criticized the President for deficits. Uh, the President can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it. The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes.

Who is the Speaker of the House? He is the leader of the majority party. He and fellow House members, not the President, can approve any budget they want. If the President vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

And, now, the United States has to borrow money to pay for what the House has already spent. This is not about new spending. Raising the debt ceiling is about being a Man and paying our debts.

But the ruling class wants tax cuts here and tax cuts there. Every tax cut represents a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed, those who are wet and have no shelter. Tax cuts are not just throwing away money; tax cuts are throwing away the sweat of our laborers, the hopes of our children. It is humanity hanging by a noose of greed. It is not ruling effectively.

The ruling class needs to study 18th century history and the French Revolution to see what happens to the ruling class that does not rule effectively. Just saying....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


And what is the deal with those Irish-Americans? Why do they get their own holiday, St. Patrick's Day? Can't we all just get along?

Friday, July 22, 2011


I got an e-mail entitled "BE PROUD TO BE WHITE" in which a racist screed was wrongly attributed to Michael Richards, the actor/comedian. How dare I say the screed was racist? It was based on prejudices and stereotypes related to race, the very definition of racist. Read my reply:

* * *

First, you owe Michael Richards an apology. He did not say that and dropped out of the limelight after his racial 'incident' -- trying to let it die, I guess. And, now, five years later....

But, to the essay:

Seriously? "Why is it that only whites can be racists??"

You do not know? Seriously?

Because America is a WHITE society, most of the power and wealth are in white hands. A racial slur used by a white is offensive -- a white has the power to threaten a minority's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; a racial slur against a white means nothing -- a minority has no power to threaten a white's life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. And that is why it is that only whites can be racists.

Of course, I am speaking collectively. Individually, I am sure that Billy Bubba Jim Bob cries in his beer every night because somebody called him a "Honkey." :p And I bet that you can cite examples of others or maybe even yourself being called "Honkey." All I can say is that I have never been called "Honkey" or anything like that. Maybe it depends on how you comport yourself.

Can you name a black President, a black Senator, a black Representative or a black member of the Supreme Court? Of the 545 people responsible for the federal government. I can name four -- I'm even worse regarding state governments.

Take the National Football League, a prime example of good wholesome All-American enterprise. Can you name a black quarterback, a black head coach, a black General Manager or a black owner? The point is, power in the NFL only gets distributed as far as Da Man sees fit -- Da White Man. Power trickles down from the owners, Da White Man.

And where are NFL games televised? White Entertainment Television -- ABC, CBS, NBC, ESPN. BET has white producers, white writers, white advertisers and even white performers. And BET was started in response to racism: MTV would not play videos by black artists in the early days.

Of course, today MTV does not play any videos, but that is a rant for another time.

Where do NFL players come from? WHITE colleges -- see a list of schools in the Bowl Championship Series. Even black colleges admit whites. And black colleges were started in response in racism: WHITE colleges used to not admit black kids -- now, if those kids can play that 'ball.... :p

And what do NFL players study in their WHITE colleges? WHITE history -- March thro January. And, of course, Black History Month was started in response to racism: We now give 'em the shortest month of the year.... :p

Do you see a theme here? Speaking of being started in response to racism, Miss Black America was started because Miss America did not allow blacks to enter. Yes, Thank Goodness, blacks can now enter and win Miss America, and Miss Black America goes on.

Why does Miss Black America continue? Maybe they want to honor the courage of those who started the pageant. Conservatives know something about honoring the past. Why are there Elvis fan clubs today? Elvis has not done anything since he retired from Wal-Mart.... :p

BE PROUD TO BE WHITE? Uh, no. I am proud of my accomplishments. Many WHITE accomplishments leave me ashamed -- slavery, Jim Crow laws, the 'Trail Of Tears,' James Earl Ray. Some WHITE accomplishments do make me smile -- the Civil Rights Act, the criminal justice system that got James Earl Ray. But why be proud of an accident of birth? I did not accomplish being white.

Now, I am HAPPY to be WHITE with the privileges associated with being a member of the dominant group in society.

HAPPY TO BE WHITE. It could catch on.... :p

Friday, July 15, 2011

Post #283 YOU Are Being Fleeced!

When Speaker Of The House John Boehner, minority leader Senator Mitch McConnell and President Barack Obama emerge from the White House with 'peace in our time' -- a debt deal, do not believe it. Nothing from Washington works as well as advertised.

The debt crisis is a hoax. Ever since Thomas Jefferson ran up wine bills he could not afford, we have been living beyond our means. Actually, the debt goes back to Year 1 of the United States -- ol' T.J. was just an outrageous example.

That is why I say the 'debt ceiling' is a political number -- it has nothing to do with the realities on the ground. I agree with Warren Buffet: It is a farce and should be eliminated. It just gives Michele Bachmann something to rant about instead of 'Anti-American homosexuals!' :p

Look, our debt equals roughly one year of our Gross Domestic Product -- kind of silly to be in a crisis mode. Oh, sure, the debt is important and will be important tomorrow. I'd like to see Rudyard Kipling working on the debt -- "If you can keep your head..."

But our "leaders" will announce a deal to avert the crisis, involving 'sacrifice' from everybody... but themselves. If our "leaders" would like to remove the quotes, they can start with themselves. Leadership is setting an example.

No federal employee should make more than $106,000 a year. Payments into Social Security are capped at a tax on $106,000 a year -- meaning that, using very generous and rounded-up figures, a person making $106,000 a year is taxed at a rate to support two Grandmas a year. If you make more than $106,000 a year, well, that is FREE money....

That is what is wrong with this country: Too many deadbeats looking for a handout -- and it starts at the top....

Before President Bachmann repeals Obamacare, she ought to repeal that government-run health care for Congress. Perhaps John McCain will lead a bill to cap Social Security benefits paid to Congress -- say $470 a month (Post #278). Maybe Michelle Obama will open a daycare for illegitimate children to support her husband's give away to unwed mothers (Post #279).

Leave Grandma alone -- or those who want to be a Grandma one day. The point is, there is a lot a leader can do -- just in government itself. Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. And then look at your donor list BEFORE asking Grandma for 'sacrifice.'

* sheesh * Why is this so hard?

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Post #282 Happy 4th!

Gather your neighbors, black, brown and white, red and yellow, and green, 'round. As your great uncle, Billy Bubba Jim Bob, dressed as Thomas Jefferson, reads the Declaration of Independence, in the faint glow before the fireworks start, be sure and give a special nod of 'Thanks' to the Founding Fathers -- and their sons -- who worked tirelessly to end slavery.

Ya learn something new every day.... :p

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Post #281 Grandma, Aug. 26, 1920 - Jun. 1, 2011, Pt. V

My e-mails to Barack Obama, John McCain, Michele Bachmann:

* * *

President Barack Obama,

My Grandma died this past June 1. She was 90 years old.

Grandma fell ill on May 1 and was taken to the hospital. Medicare kicked Grandma out of the hospital after four days, she got 20 at the 'swing bed' -- a cross between a hospital and a nursing home -- and would have gotten 34 at the nursing home. For those keeping score, that is 58 days -- pay your taxes for 72 years, stay off welfare, do charity work to keep others off welfare, and the government rewards you with 58 days. Grandma died before her 58 days were up -- saving the American taxpayer a couple of grand.

And where is that couple of grand going? College tuition for unwed mothers.

Yes, a woman has sex and makes the mistakes of not using effective birth control and choosing a partner who does not want to be a daddy, and the mother is rewarded with college tuition. Who thought that was a good idea? Who's responsible!?!


I am a BIG supporter of the poor -- and support Obamacare, by the way. But I also feel that there are no -- or should not be -- FREE lunches. These grants need to be tied to a community service -- nothing hard, an hour per week of sweeping streets, for example. Anything to contribute to the society that is contributing to her.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

I also realize that there are other examples of a waste of taxpayer's money out there -- John McCain's $23,000 Social Security slurp, Michele Bachmann's slurp of $250,000 in government subsidies for her family farm. And they will be getting e-mails, too.

But this is your baby.

There is only so much taxpayer money to go around. If only Grandma had of had more intense treatment from Medicare....

* * *

Senator John McCain,

My Grandma died this past June 1. She was 90 years old.

Grandma fell ill on May 1 and was taken to the hospital. Medicare kicked Grandma out of the hospital after four days, she got 20 at the 'swing bed' -- a cross between a hospital and a nursing home -- and would have gotten 34 at the nursing home. For those keeping score, that is 58 days -- pay your taxes for 72 years, stay off welfare, do charity work to keep others off welfare, and the government rewards you with 58 days. Grandma died before her 58 days were up -- saving the American taxpayer a couple of grand.

And where is that couple of grand going? Your Social Security payments.

Yes, Grandma got Social Security -- $470 a month. That covered her food, clothing and shelter needs. Anybody who cannot retire on $470 a month is not living right. Grandma did. You made $405,409 last year and sucked up $23,000 in Social Security.

Why did you need that money? What makes you four times better than my Grandma? I thought we were all in this together, but the rules seem different for you. Can't you give it back? It's called leadership -- setting an example.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

I also realize that there are other examples of a waste of taxpayer's money out there -- Barack Obama's college tuition for unwed mothers, Michele Bachmann's $250,000 in government subsidies for her family farm. And they will be getting e-mails, too.

There is only so much taxpayer money to go around. If only Grandma had of had more intense treatment from Medicare....

* * *

Unfortunately, Michele Bachmann does not accept e-mails from outside her district -- which actually makes sense but does me no good. So, to look elsewhere:

Representative Michele Bachmann,

My Grandma died this past June 1. She was 90 years old.

Grandma fell ill on May 1 and was taken to the hospital. Medicare kicked Grandma out of the hospital after four days, she got 20 at the 'swing bed' -- a cross between a hospital and a nursing home -- and would have gotten 34 at the nursing home. For those keeping score, that is 58 days -- pay your taxes for 72 years, stay off welfare, do charity work to keep others off welfare, and the government rewards you with 58 days. Grandma died before her 58 days were up -- saving the American taxpayer a couple of grand.

And where is that couple of grand going? Farm subsidies -- like the $250,000 your family farm got over a 10-year period.

Yes, Grandma was in on that socialism, too; she got Social Security -- $470 a month. That covered her food, clothing and shelter needs. Anybody who cannot retire on $470 a month is not living right. Grandma did. Let's be generous and say $50,000 over a 10-year period.

Why did you need $250,000? What makes you five times better than my Grandma? I thought we were all in this together, but the rules seem different for you. Can't you give it back? It's called leadership -- setting an example.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

I also realize that there are other examples of a waste of taxpayer's money out there -- Barack Obama's college tuition for unwed mothers, John McCain's $23,000 Social Security slurp. And they will be getting e-mails, too.

There is only so much taxpayer money to go around. If only Grandma had of had more intense treatment from Medicare....

* * *

Of course, there is always snail mail.... :p

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Unfortunately, I do not know how to include the graphics of this e-mail in here, but I do think the text of this e-mail is worth a "Fwd" -- as opposed to the usual crap that goes around....

* * *


Since its founding more than 90 years ago, Disabled American Veterans has been dedicated to a single purpose: Building Better Lives for America's Disabled Veterans and Their Families.

P.O. Box 14301 | Cincinnati, OH 45250-0301

Summer heats up with compassion for disabled veterans as the DAV rallies support from volunteers, professional athletes, corporate donors and concerned patriots like you!

As you read the stories below, I hope you'll see the many ways that you help the DAV lead the fight for veterans' rights.

Carrying the Flame of Patriotism!

Arthur H. Wilson, National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans

Tornadoes, Floods Harm Disabled Veterans

In the wake of widespread tornadoes and floods, DAV staff and volunteers are still spread out across America, reaching out with vital aid to disabled veterans stricken by disaster. A year of severe weather is putting the DAV's Disaster Relief Fund to the test.

VA Finally Delivers Aid to Heroes & Families

After leading the charge for a new law to aid the families of profoundly disabled veterans, the DAV criticized long VA delays in providing this urgently needed aid. Finally, the VA is accepting applications from full-time caregivers who meet the criteria and are eligible for vital training, financial assistance and health care.

Helping Disabled Service Members Make a Smooth Transition

Across the country, DAV transition officers are helping disabled service members understand the benefits and services they earned before they leave the armed forces. Explains DAV Commander Wally Tyson: "We want to get to these veterans before they're released so we can help get them on a path toward reinstituting a life."

Ford Motor Company Continues DAV Support

Ford Motor Company and DAV held a special ceremony at DAV's National Service and Legislative Headquarters in Washington, D.C., where Ford made another generous donation to purchase additional vehicles for the DAV Transportation Program.

Lt. Dan Band Movie: For the Common Good

Longtime Disabled American Veterans friend and supporter, Gary Sinise's documentary -- Lt. Dan Band Movie: For the Common Good -- will premier online July 4th!

Inspiring a PGA Pro to Give His All for Disabled Vets

Keep an eye on PGA Pro Jeff Klauk because every time Jeff finishes in the top 10, Golden Corral donates $5,000 to DAV! Plus, Kids Eat Free on the Monday after a top 10 finish! The DAV thanks Golden Corral for its devotion to building better lives for disabled veterans.

Keep Patriotism Shining Bright -- All Summer Long!

As we enjoy our many freedoms this summer, it's a great time to thank our heroes for protecting the land that we love. And with July 4th right around the corner, you'll keep the spirit of patriotism alive as you give to DAV now!

Please thank a disabled veteran today for their sacrifice and service!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Post #279 Grandma, Aug. 26, 1920 - Jun. 1, 2011, Pt. IV

What else have I learned?

Medicare kicked Grandma out of the hospital after four days, she got 20 at the 'swing bed' -- a cross between a hospital and a nursing home -- and would have gotten 34 at the nursing home. For those keeping score, that is 58 days -- pay your taxes, stay off welfare, do charity work to keep others off welfare, and the government rewards you with 58 days. Grandma died before her 58 days were up -- saving the American taxpayer a couple of grand. You're Welcome.

And where is that couple of grand going? College tuition for unwed mothers.

Yes, a woman has sex and makes the mistakes of not using effective birth control and choosing a partner who does not want to be a daddy, and the mother is rewarded with college tuition. Who thought that was a good idea? Who's responsible!?!

Barack Obama, , who will soon be getting an e-mail from me.

I am a BIG supporter of the poor -- and support Obamacare, by the way. But I also feel that there are no -- or should not be -- FREE lunches. These grants need to be tied to a community service -- nothing hard, an hour per week of sweeping streets, for example. Anything to contribute to the society that is contributing to her.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

I also realize that there are other examples of a waste of taxpayer's money out there -- John McCain's $23,000 Social Security slurp, Michele Bachmann's slurp of $250,000 in government subsidies for her family farm. And they will be getting e-mails, too.

There is only so much taxpayer money to go around. If only Grandma had of had more intense treatment from Medicare....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Post #278 Grandma, Aug. 26, 1920 - Jun. 1, 2011, Pt. Iii

What have I learned?

Medicare kicked Grandma out of the hospital after four days, she got 20 at the 'swing bed' -- a cross between a hospital and a nursing home -- and would have gotten 34 at the nursing home. For those keeping score, that is 58 days -- pay your taxes, stay off welfare, do charity work to keep others off welfare, and the government rewards you with 58 days. Grandma died before her 58 days were up -- saving the American taxpayer a couple of grand. You're Welcome.

So, the next time some politician rants about 'BIG government taking care of people from cradle-to-grave,' I'll shout "Ya lying sack of sh*t!"

Actually, that BIG government will not take care of people from cradle-to-grave is nothing new that I've learned-- it has just been reinforced. And the next step in logic: That 'BIG government taking care of people from cradle-to-grave will lead to a lazy and irresponsible public,' I say "Prove it."

I'd gladly stack up Grandma's contributions to society with anyone.

Yes, Grandma got Social Security -- $470 a month. That covered her food, clothing and shelter needs. Anybody who cannot retire on $470 a month is not living right. Grandma did. Let's cap Social Security benefits, not the payments into it.

Payments into Social Security are capped at a tax on $106,000 a year -- meaning that, using very generous and rounded-up figures, a person making $106,000 a year is taxed at a rate to support two Grandmas a year. If you make more than $106,000 a year, well, that is FREE money....

Note that I am not including the matching payroll taxes paid by business in my figuring. I believe people, not business, should be responsible for those taxes which benefit people, not business.

Well, I do not make $106,000 a year -- you probably do not either. But I'm paying at that rate. Who pays at a less rate than I do?

Barack and Michelle Obama who made $1,728,096 last year and supported two Grandmas in retirement.
John McCain who made $405,409 last year and supported two Grandmas in retirement -- McCain also sucked up $23,000 in Social Security, the greedy lil' pig!

Indeed, all members of Congress receive a base salary of $174.000 a year -- that could support three Grandmas in retirement, but they only support two.

Please note that I am not including the outrageous salaries of private citizens. Let politicians clean up their own act BEFORE asking us for 'sacrifice.'

I used to think we were all in this together. But the dividing line is at $106,000. * sigh *

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Post #277 Grandma, Aug. 26, 1920 - Jun. 1, 2011, Pt. II

At my Grandma's visitation, I saw a man I'd thought had been dead for 15 years. Some 15 years ago, my Dad said that a guy he'd worked with for some 20 years had terminal cancer and three months to live. Obviously, he got better -- I'm glad I did not scream! My parents did not go to his funeral, of course, but they never talked about him either -- I just assumed that was my parents way of dealing, ya know....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Post #275 George W. Bush's 'Cajones' Have Been Shriveled, Pt. III

The following Post has nothing to do with George W. Bush's 'cajones' -- I just like the title. But, then again, I guess it does.


Subject: Re: jihad over?

"jihad over?" Of course not.

I got a note from a e-pal asking that, and he included this llnk to an article he agreed with:

The two quotes referenced in the article did not say jihad was over -- that was the author's interpretation. The article was effective without the quotes.

Jihad -- the 'holy war' of terrorists -- can trace it beginnings to Mohammed himself and the beginning of Islam. That's why we say "radical Islam" and jihad will never be over until radical Islam is over.

Ah, does that mean we should be at war with radical Islam or, to get at the root, Islam?

No, it is impossible to kill every Muslim and eliminate Islam from human history. We should do what Rambama is doing: Manage the threat by using the 'scalpel' approach -- issuing 'death warrants' against those who organize, finance and inspire terrorist acts against us. None of that 'building roads' nonsense. I think Al-Qaeda's #2 ought to be getting ready to meet 72 virgins -- do some sit-ups, pal! :p

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post #273 George W. Bush's 'Cajones' Have Been Shriveled, Pt. II

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, September 14, 2001)

GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people --


BUSH: And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.



The operative word is "soon." Osama bin Laden escaped our grasp at Tora Bora, and Bush changed his tune. Less than six months after his stirring Ground Zero talk, Bush addressed the subject of bin Laden, the leader of "the people who knocked these buildings down:"

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, March 13, 2002)

GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: Again, I don't know where he is. I repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him.


Bush had given up. Late 2005, he made it official -- Bush dissolved the CIA unit that tracked bin Laden, Alec Station, which had been formed in 1996.

Yes, I have heard the opinion that those who criticize Bush's decision to close Alec Station do not understand intelligence. To that I say: Those 'Bushies' do not understand leadership -- Bush should have informed the American people when he made that decision and why he made it. Instead, the news leaked out six months later....

And, now, Bush wants a TY.

Thank You, Weasel, for all you did. [rolleyes]

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Post #272 George W. Bush's 'Cajones' Have Been Shriveled

Bedtime falls on Dallas. A faint glow shines from the bedroom of former President George W. Bush. W. steps out of the bathroom, buck naked. He makes some movement at his crotch.

W. (looking down): Look, Laura.
LAUBA (sitting up in the bed): I know. (Laura swivels, hangs her legs over the side and pats the bed, inviting W. over. He sits next to Laura.) That's what happens when somebody does something you could not do. Obama killed bin Laden, and now his 'cajones' are nice and full, and yours.... (Her voice trails off.)
W.: Who knew bin Laden was so important?
LAURA: Everybody knew -- except for those in the White House.
W.: Yeah, you're right -- it was Dick and Don who insisted we go after Saddam Hussein. But we got him.
LAURA: Yes, you did, dear.
W.(plaintively): He was a bad man... and probably would have liked to have had WMD one day.
A minute of silence.
W.: I saw a poll on FOX News where 11% of Americans said that I deserved credit for bin Laden's death.
LAURA: Oh, they are giving you credit for leaving Obama a target.
W.: Does this mean I'll lose my place on Mt. Rushmore?
LAURA: Take your nightly sip of your 'cough medicine' (Laura hands him a bottle. W. takes a snort and lies back on the bed. Laura messages his temples.) and go to your 'Happy Place,' and I'll dream of Obama for you.
W.: Thanks, Laura.
LAURA: Goodnight, Bar -- uh, George.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Post #271 Obama's Birth Certificate

Osama bin Laden is dead. Hope they got his birth certificate. :p

Well, I kind of miss the fuss about birth certificates -- it was so easy to see exactly where you stood. And I really miss the Republicans who'd play it cool on TV but exhort the crowds at fundraisers. And do not forget Shepard Smith on FOX News who almost used the 'f-word' to describe the mess -- I'm sure Shep really enjoyed it, too. :p

"As a schoolkid, I was taught that a kid born to an American citizen was a citizen, no matter where they were born."

Yes, you are correct. If he was born in Kenya, Barack Obama is qualified to be President, born to an American mother. The same logic applies to John McCain who was born in Panama and Barry Goldwater who was born in the Arizona territory. That is what a natural born citizen is.

Obviously, 'birthers' believe differently, that a President needs to be born here, a native. But Title 8 of the U.S. Code defines a citizen as: "Any one who is born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)." So, the 'birthers' are wrong to question Obama's legitimacy to be President... even if he was born in Kenya.

Wait -- it's not over yet. Look next for 'birthers' to harp that Obama has dual citizenship and therefore dual loyalties and should not be President. They will try to scare folks by saying that Osama bin Laden could get -- or could have gotten -- an American citizen pregnant and the kid could get elected President. Good Luck with scaring the sane there. [rolleyes]

Friday, April 29, 2011

Post #270 Consumer Confidence Is Down Due To The Debt Crisis

Be afraid. Be very afraid. It's a sign of the Apocalypse.

I was watching FOX News* the other day and saw the headline: "Consumer Confidence Is Down Due To The Debt Crisis." I appreciate the BIG BOLD graphics on FOX for those of us who don't see as well as we used to; I also appreciate the short headlines for those of us who don't like to think too much; and I appreciate the easy-on-the-eyes FOX girls. :p

"Consumer Confidence Is Down Due To The Debt Crisis" - what does that mean? What is 'consumer confidence?' How do they measure that? Is that different from 'consumer indifference?' :p

Nobody explained. FOX seemed to expect that their viewers would know exactly what 'consumer confidence' is, how they measured it and that President Barack Obama was to blame for it being down.

"Consumer Confidence Is Down Due To The Debt Crisis"-- why not gas prices or jobs, jobs, jobs as being the reason 'consumer confidence' is down? Because Republicans have no answers there.

But the 'debt crises' is something they hope to hang around Obama's neck. Make no mistake: The debt ceiling is a political number -- having nothing to do with economic realities, the conditions on the ground.

It's all politics.

I criticize Kelly's producers for airing such a non-story -- a political hatchet job.

* I still have a crush on Megyn Kelly -- tho she was off that day, replaced by another Bleach Blonde Bobble-Head.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Post #268 Send In Another Clown

Dear Donald Trump,

If your investigators find Barack Obama's birth certificate located in a bound volume in a file cabinet on the first floor of the state Department of Health in Hawaii, will you apologize to Obama?

If your investigators explain to you that Obama -- or any other Hawaiian resident requesting their own birth certificate -- can not legally remove the birth certificate from the Department of Health building or even make a copy of what is know in Hawaii as a 'vital' record and is instead issued a 'certificate of live birth,' will you apologize to the American people for leading them on a wild goose chase?

Thank You, Mr. Trump, for exposing yourself so early in the campaign as somebody who is willing to pander. The answers to your questions -- where is Obama's birth certificate?, why has he not shown it? -- are easily available on the 'net. That you are not willing to look and instead chant with the mob makes you what you are.

Speaking of birth certificates, where is yours, Mr. Trump? I'll be sitting on my front porch, you bring me a copy of your birth certificate and an impartial observer of my choosing to verify the certificate is real, and I'll issue a statement that I cannot prove you are a fraud. I'm waiting....

One of the poor who is robbed to support the rich

Friday, April 08, 2011

Post #267 Pres. Obama Launches His Billion Dollar Reelection Bid

Be afraid. Be very afraid. It's a sign of the Apocalypse.

I was watching FOX News* the other day and saw the headline: "Pres. Obama Launches His Billion Dollar Reelection Bid." I appreciate the BIG BOLD graphics on FOX for those of us who don't see as well as we used to; I also appreciate the short headlines for those of us who don't like to think too much; and I appreciate the easy-on-the-eyes FOX girls. :p

"Pres. Obama Launches His Billion Dollar Reelection Bid" - what does that mean? Is that Obama's goal? Who is the campaign manager for such an obscenely mess? Do they have a web site for donations?

Hhmph! No good, high-falootin' fancy pants Democrats. George W. Bush had the decency to wait until May of the year before the election to launch his re-election bid.

Well, two 'political analysts' explained to Megyn Kelly that some anonymous 'conservative critics' have claimed Obama is, uh, launching a billion dollar bid, and,... well,... that's bad....

Hogwash, I say! This is America!! Money talks -- whining walks!!! If Obama raises a billion dollars, well, good for him....

I criticize Kelly for airing such a non-story with a dubious headline. What happened to her journalistic skills that got her that job?

* I still have a crush on Megyn Kelly -- tho I'm beginning to think that maybe her headline writers are not really 'fair and balanced.'

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Post #266 Sarah Palin's Birth Certificate?, Pt II

In my previous Post, I was NOT dumping on Sarah Louise Palin; I was dumping on 'birthers.' I got another e-mail the other day about Barak Obama and how he was an 'outsider.' I used much of the same language and logic in my Post but substituted Sarah Palin for Barak Obama to highlight my point: What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

You a fan of Sarah Palin? Why? Well, I'm NOT. To me, she has political instincts -- and that is NOT a virtue!

Look at her "Bridge to Nowhere" experience. She was for it before she was against it. She campaigned for governor with a selling point of her support for the Bridge.

Once the Bridge became a national outrage of BIG government wasteful spending, Palin followed her political instincts, read which way the political winds were blowing and flip-flopped.

To make matters worse, she followed more political instincts and tried to have it both ways. She made a BIG production out of killing the Bridge but accepted the earmark money for the Bridge and applied it to other projects -- that's the same kind of double-talk as seen in my previous Post, "I'm not going to criticize Obama, but...."

Palin is just another politician, repeating the same ol' tired clichés when it suits her purpose of stroking her own ego -- getting cheers from a crowd, getting more Facebook friends, winning elections for others, appearing on TV, being a 'player.' Another politician is the last thing we need.

It is true: She will NOT be elected President -- neither will Newt Gingrich, by the way, for the same reason of being a politician. But we do not need her or other political windbags in the national debate.

This can fairly be called dumping on Sarah Palin! :p

Friday, March 25, 2011

Post #265 Sarah Palin's Birth Certificate?

Have you ever seen Sarah Palin's birth certificate? Neither have I.

We all know that Palin's parents went into Canada to slurp at the trough of socialized medicine for the Palin kids. Is it that big of leap in logic to think that Ma Palin went into Canada for pre-natal care and then the birth?

Who has seen Palin's actual birth certificate -- not some copy -- and verified that it was authentic? Who says that observer was impartial? How about a video of the birth and a video of the video -- and sworn oaths all around.

Who is Sarah Louise Palin? Why no medical records, dental records or school transcripts? What is she hiding? Have you seen an interview with a former classmate who has proper identification from a school Palin claims to have attended? Neither have I. All I 'know' is that Palin won Miss Alaska during the early '80s.

But what Palin claims is frightening enough. Palin is not one of us. She's from Alaska. Palin was so obsessed with looking good that she had a tanning bed installed in the governor's mansion -- charged to the Alaskan taxpayer, by the way. Most of us in the lower 48 are not that superficial.

Also, most of learned that communist North Korea invaded democratic South Korea and our ally was -- and still is -- South Korea. Apparently, they teach something different in
Alaska. What else has Palin learned that is wrong?

Here's Palin on what she would have done differently than President Obama in Libya.


SARAH PALIN, FORMER ALASKA GOVERNOR: The U.S. has a tradition, of course, of Americans as we travel to foreign soil, we don't criticize our president's foreign policy. Even as friendly as soil as India is, I won't criticize what his foreign policy has been. But to answer your question, certainly there would have been more decisiveness -- less dithering and more decisiveness.


Well, that's not criticizing. More Alaskan values, eh?

And what does "decisiveness" mean? Palin would have declared a 'no-fly' zone BEFORE all Americans were out of Libya? I'm sure the hostages would thank President Palin.

Palin would have declared a 'no-fly' zone BEFORE our military was ready to enforce it? That would have made us look foolish. She is ready to throw America's reputation under the bus so that she can look good. An Alaskan value, eh?

Please pass this on to every patriotic America who thinks we ought to know more about this 'outsider.'

God Bless America!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Post #264 Want Cheap Gas?

Three options:

1. Invade Iran. Claim they have WMD/terrorists. Steal their oil -- make 'em pay war reparations. George W. Bush's second biggest mistake in Iraq was not making 'em pay.

We've already got the WMD/terrorists argument covered -- indeed, John McCain wants to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. Of course, it is irresponsible to not follow a bombing campaign with troops on the ground to make sure we got what we were bombing and the Iranians are not rebuilding -- but surely McCain knows that.

Surely, McCain knows, too, that Iran will not be a push a pushover, will not welcome us as liberators, and our over-stretched military may be thrown out without using 'the bomb.' Of course, use of 'the bomb' will not win us any friends -- our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan will be the first targets for terrorism. How many trillions are we willing to spend to pacify three terrorist-filled countries?

2. Invade Saudi Arabia. Steal their oil -- no apologies, no excuses. Naked colonialism at its best. This will send a message that the United States will do anything to maintain our standard of living. We hold this truth to be self-evident: That Billy Bubba Jim Bob who wants to drive to the lake to fish every weekend is more important than some camel jockey who wants to feed his family.

3. Park your car. Ride a bike or a moped or a golf cart or your city's electric buses -- reduce your demand. Your city not have electric buses yet? Make that a campaign issue. Not "you" individually -- "you" collectively. Unfortunately, Billy Bubba Jim Bob will not help.

To me, the decline of America began with the '73 Arab Oil Embargo -- America no longer had control of the energy that powered our standard of living. Then, we imported 37% of the oil we used; now, we import 50%. Our negative trade balance in energy runs well over $1 billion a day, a sum much greater than the trade deficit with China or the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Consider the title of this blog: "The Decline and Fall of the American Empire is due to a failure of leadership." And what have we gotten in the way of leadership since '73? Gerald Ford gave us the 55 mph speed limit. Jimmy Carter wore a sweater as he turned down the thermostat in the White House. That has been pretty much it. [rolleyes]

It will all be over in 2012 anyway.