Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Post #278 Grandma, Aug. 26, 1920 - Jun. 1, 2011, Pt. Iii

What have I learned?

Medicare kicked Grandma out of the hospital after four days, she got 20 at the 'swing bed' -- a cross between a hospital and a nursing home -- and would have gotten 34 at the nursing home. For those keeping score, that is 58 days -- pay your taxes, stay off welfare, do charity work to keep others off welfare, and the government rewards you with 58 days. Grandma died before her 58 days were up -- saving the American taxpayer a couple of grand. You're Welcome.

So, the next time some politician rants about 'BIG government taking care of people from cradle-to-grave,' I'll shout "Ya lying sack of sh*t!"

Actually, that BIG government will not take care of people from cradle-to-grave is nothing new that I've learned-- it has just been reinforced. And the next step in logic: That 'BIG government taking care of people from cradle-to-grave will lead to a lazy and irresponsible public,' I say "Prove it."

I'd gladly stack up Grandma's contributions to society with anyone.

Yes, Grandma got Social Security -- $470 a month. That covered her food, clothing and shelter needs. Anybody who cannot retire on $470 a month is not living right. Grandma did. Let's cap Social Security benefits, not the payments into it.

Payments into Social Security are capped at a tax on $106,000 a year -- meaning that, using very generous and rounded-up figures, a person making $106,000 a year is taxed at a rate to support two Grandmas a year. If you make more than $106,000 a year, well, that is FREE money....

Note that I am not including the matching payroll taxes paid by business in my figuring. I believe people, not business, should be responsible for those taxes which benefit people, not business.

Well, I do not make $106,000 a year -- you probably do not either. But I'm paying at that rate. Who pays at a less rate than I do?

Barack and Michelle Obama who made $1,728,096 last year and supported two Grandmas in retirement.
John McCain who made $405,409 last year and supported two Grandmas in retirement -- McCain also sucked up $23,000 in Social Security, the greedy lil' pig!

Indeed, all members of Congress receive a base salary of $174.000 a year -- that could support three Grandmas in retirement, but they only support two.

Please note that I am not including the outrageous salaries of private citizens. Let politicians clean up their own act BEFORE asking us for 'sacrifice.'

I used to think we were all in this together. But the dividing line is at $106,000. * sigh *

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