Friday, December 02, 2011

Post #312 Thrilled To Have Heard From John McCain

But disappointed to have received a form letter that did not address my concerns or questions. As you know -- my Post #281, I e-mailed Senator John McCain with my concern over what I see as a waste of taxpayer money -- his Social Security payment.

I received a reply... almost 5 months later. I do not know yet if I'll bother to reply, but, if I do, it will be something like this:

* * *

Senator John McCain,

Thanks for the reply -- tho I am pretty sure some flunkie wrote that advertising brochure for you. A decent human being -- giving you the benefit-of-the-doubt -- would have offered condolences for my Grandma's death. But that was some flunkie, right?

I would have expected you -- assuming you really wrote that -- to address my question as to why you made over 4 times from Social Security than my Grandma. I'm guessing that you would have said something like: "I paid into the Social Security system; therefore, I am entitled to all the benefits under the rules."

Is that right, Mr. McCain? I'd love to hear a different explanation from you.

Well, I say that sense of entitlement is what is ruining this country -- first and foremost, the sense of entitlement by people like you who have 'won' in life sticking their snout in the trough of big government. You could support 4 Grandmas with your Social Security snort. Why not give it back? It's called leadership -- setting an example for others who have 'won.'

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

So, I laid out my contention that you ought to return your Social Security payments under the theory that you'd be providing leadership by setting an example for others who have 'won' in life to my Dad -- a Reagan Democrat who is a good no-nonsense sounding board for my political ideas. My Dad said "it'd be nice if McCain returned his Social Security payments, buy the rules are that he gets what he gets."

And then it dawned on me: You, Senator McCain, are in a position to change the rules. The problem with this country is too many deadbeats looking for a handout -- and it starts at the top. Make those deadbeats who have already 'won' get their snout out of the trough of big government.

What do you say?

P.S.: My Mom -- bless 'er heart! -- gasped "John McCain, war hero?" -- meaning, of course, 'how dare I ask a war hero for sacrifice?' I answered, "Who better than a patriot would understand the need for sacrifice from EVERYBODY?"

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