Friday, July 03, 2009

Post #195 Tainted, Pt. II

"Why is the [Republican] party in trouble? Simple. Dubya got a hold of the keys, got high on neocon hooch, and crashed and rolled the family SUV.

"He launched an unnecessary war against a country that had not attacked us. With his utopian No Child Left Behind scheme and his Medicare drug plan, he did his passable imitation of LBJ, and blew a hole in the budget.

"Touting globalism, he presided over the loss of one in every four U.S. manufacturing jobs and ran up $5 trillion in trade deficits. He refused to defend the Mexican border against an invasion, then pushed an amnesty for the invaders.

"This was no Reaganite. This was the neocons' apprentice."

So said Pat Buchanan, May 8, 2009.

Every Republican should repeat that and then explain why ya supported amending the Constitution without an Amendment and why ya supported budget deficit after deficit and why ya supprted globalism. Explain what Reagan believed and why ya believe that.

I think Republicans' newly-found 'principles' have more to do with eing out-of-power than reading and researching about 'conservatism' and what it means.

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