Friday, July 03, 2009

Post #194, Tainted?

"Do you really believe that we lost 18-to-34-year-olds by 19 percent, or we lost Hispanic voters, because we are not conservative enough? No. This is a ridiculous line of thought. The truth is we lost young people because our Republican brand is tainted."

So said Senator Lindsay Graham, Republican of South Carolina.

Tainted? With tax cuts and torture? :p

Graham also said: "We are not losing blue states and shrinking as a party because we are not conservative enough. If we pursue a party that has no place for someone who agrees with me 70 percent of the time, that is based on an ideological purity test rather than a coalition test, then we are going to keep losing."

The debate rages: Should the Republican Party purge moderate voices like newly-Democrat Arlen Specter and embrace its conservative roots or seek to broaden its appeal to regain a competitive position against Democrats?

Please, please, I say, embrace 'conservative roots' and explain yourself for the past eight years, Mr. Republican. Michael Reagan, the son of former President Ronald Reagan and a conservative talk show host said, "We've been closeted for the last eight years; it's time for the right to come out of the closet."

Oh, dear. What exactly closet have ya been the victim of? Who put ya there!?! :p

Where were you when George W. Bush asked to take more than a trillion dollars out of the treasury in the form of tax cuts? Whatever happened to 'fiscal responsibility?'

Where were you when Bush wanted to expand the government's reach into your private life by the Patriot Act? Apparently, the belief in limited government only applies when a Democrat is in the White House.

Where were you when Bush wanted to appropriate the Constitutional authority to declare war for himself? Did your support go only as long as it was 'off-budget?'

Where were you when Bush extended prescription drug coverage to seniors, the largest expansion of government into health care since the birth of Medicare?

The question continue.

Where are you on war crimes? Ignore? Investigate? Prosecute?

Any Republican today who wants to lead that mob has a lot to answer for. Now, I think a 'conservative' party can bring a lot to the table, but they need to understand that History has taken another step to the Left -- todays Republicans do not understand that, nor do they understand their own complicity in that.

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