Friday, August 10, 2012

Post #349 "Did North Carolina Really Outlaw Global Warming?"

;O No. Not exactly. But recent actions by the Republican-led legislature of North Carolina have given rise to such jokes.

Let me explain: Some coastal towns in North Carolina wanted to plan ahead for a rise in sea level over the next, say, 50 to 100 years -- which is smart. That kind of long-range planning ought to be applauded.

One study, a "sky is falling" liberal study produced by tree huggers who do not donate to Republicans, predicted a sea-level rise of 39 inches; another study. a right-thinking conservative study produced by businesses who do donate to Republicans, predicted a sea-level rise of 9 inches.

Common Sense will tell you that The Truth is probably somewhere in between 9 and 39 inches and that coastal towns would be best-served by taking a middle number into account -- say, 24. And add 2 or 3 to be safe.

Now, this is where those idiots in Raleigh came into play. The legislature outlawed the use of the 39 inch figure --or any other figure -- and mandated the use of the 9 inch figure provided by their friends.

I thought a conservative principle was 'local control' -- but no. Those idiots sold out a conservative principle to gain an advantage -- more donations -- for an election.

Par for the course.

I was Alex P. Keaton BEFORE there was an Alex P. Keaton and was sure the firsst thing Ronald Reagan would do after his Inauguration would be to pull the plug on Jimmy Carter's bailout of Chrysler -- but, no, he threw a conservative principle under the bus, did not stop the federal government from intervening in the private sector and even upped the bailout. All in the name of politics.

And, most conservatives will tell you now what a great success it was -- instead of hanging their heads in shame -- and criticize Barack Obama for doing the same.

* sigh *

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