Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Post #335 Justice For The Unarmed Juvenile

What we have: An armed adult shot and killed an unarmed juvenile. That this case is not already in the judicial system is appalling. We know who the armed adult was.

Yes, of course, I am referring to the Trayvon Martin case. Take away race and the inflammatory language, and you're left with 'an armed adult shot and killed an unarmed juvenile.'

And now the FBI is investigating to see if Martin's rights were violated. Duh! How about his unalienable right to Life!?!

I say let the prosecution prove beyond a reasonable doubt to 12 reasonable jurors that George Zimmerman's suspicion of Martin was unreasonable, that Zimmerman brought a gun to a fist fight, that Zimmerman provoked the fist fight by following Martin 100 yards down a path, that Zimmerman's injuries do not match a reasonable fear for life.

But -- for Goodness sake -- let's go. Any killing -- not just an armed adult shooting and killing an unarmed juvenile -- deserves a day in court.

I am surprised -- well, not really surprised but more disappointed that many conservatives are focusing on issues other than what this case is about: an armed adult shot and killed an unarmed juvenile. The Black Panthers, the media circus, Al Sharpton. Good Lord. *sigh * There would be no media circus if this case was in the court system.

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