Friday, August 28, 2009

Post #203 Why Leadership Has Failed On Health Care Reform

The mistake President Obama is making in regard to health care reform is that he is being too timid -- there should be a government-takeover of health care. As the Preamble to the Constitution states: "promote the general Welfare."

The public-option that Obama wants is a time-consuming ruse -- the government will choke private insurers out of business. The eight [8] consumer protections that David Axelrod outlined in my post #201 are fine and dandy, but they are how the insurance companies make money and stay in business. Private insurers cannot compete with public coffers. All so that Obama can claim that he allowed the free market to work.

We have already had years and years and years of the free market; we need more now. Yes, that means government. Some problems are so big that government is the only answer. Even George Will agrees with me -- read his column about the success of Phoenix, Arizona.

I'm no fool, * heh * -- I realize that BIG government is just that -- BIG, s-l-o-w and inefficient. But at least government will respond and change its ways. A private company will resist change.

As a Libertarian blue dog Democrat, * huh? * I realize that it is in the governments interest to run health care -- a pro-business stance. What is good for General Motors is good for America, and government-run healh care is good for General Motors. Whoever decided that businesses should be in charge of their employee's health care acted stupidly.

However, I cannot support anything that's not paid for -- beyond "we'll cut waste and fraud" or other voodoo.

I think a %10 'medical tax' on everbody who files an income tax return would do -- Ned the Wino who draws $10,000 in Social Security would pay $1000 for his 'Obamacare' card while Bill Gates would pay $5 billion. Or some kind of graduation -- Ned would pay %5, $500; Bill would pay %20, $10 billion.

Make it optional -- if anybody objects to "socialism," make 'em give up Social Security, Medicare, the use of federally-funded highways, etc.

I am disappointed that Obama is not shooting straight -- playing the free market game to outwit conservatives. We need more.

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