Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Post #120

Subject: Again, George W. Bush defies the Constitution…

… and common sense.

American President George W. Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki signed a "declaration of principles" two days ago on Monday that will guide talks next year on reaching agreements covering a long-term relationship between the two countries. In other words, a treaty to keep us mired in Iraq permanently – tho by not calling a treaty, a “treaty,” the Bushies manage to bypass Senate ratification. And, ultimately, you.

So, even if you agree with Bush and think that your loved one should die in a permanent occupation, you have no voice in our government – of the people, by the people, for the people [rolleyes].

While Maliki said any final deal would require the Iraqi parliament's approval, the accord would not need backing from the United States Congress, Lieutenant-General Douglas Lute, the White House deputy national security adviser, said.

Seems like the Iraqis have a better grasp on this Constitutional democracy thing than we do! :p

The principles include how to "deter foreign aggression against Iraq," help Iraq "fight terrorism," encourage foreign capital into Iraq - "especially American investments.” Iraqi officials told the Associated Press news agency they foresee a long-term presence of about 50,000 US troops.

Whatever happened to “we’ll stand down as they stand up” or “we’ll leave as soon as the job is finished?”

The obvious answer is that Bush has no idea what the “job” is. The best simile I heard about the War is that the administration was like kids playing with matches and it blew up in their faces – they’ve been inventing reasons ever since.

Lute said the bilateral agreements will not contain timetables for withdrawing US forces from Iraq, a move Bush continues to resist. He added that it was important for neighboring countries to know that the US considers Iraq a key factor in regional stability.

Simply, Bush wants to leave 50.000 US troops as a “trip-wire” – like our troops in South Korea – to deter aggression from obviously Iran. How many peeps had our soldiers being held hostage as an original reason for supporting Bush’s folly?

Like that famous quote about the Korean War, a lieutenant said, “we can’t win, we can’t lose, we can’t leave.” I guess that’s pretty much where the Iraq war is now.

Democratic Party Congressional leader Nancy Pelosi on Monday criticized Bush for planning to leave US forces mired in Iraq after his presidential term ends in January 2009. "President Bush's agreement ... confirms his willingness to leave office with a US army tied down in Iraq and stretched to the breaking point, with no clear exit strategy from Iraq," Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives, said in a statement. "The president should take responsibility for his Iraq policy rather than expect the American people or the next administration to bear the consequences of his mistakes."

Oh, our children and their children will be paying for it. This is a War we can’t afford to lose, but we don’t have to pay for it either. I hope the kiddies enjoy the Iraq War bills in their Christmas stockings. :p

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