Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Post #275 George W. Bush's 'Cajones' Have Been Shriveled, Pt. III

The following Post has nothing to do with George W. Bush's 'cajones' -- I just like the title. But, then again, I guess it does.


Subject: Re: jihad over?

"jihad over?" Of course not.

I got a note from a e-pal asking that, and he included this llnk to an article he agreed with:


The two quotes referenced in the article did not say jihad was over -- that was the author's interpretation. The article was effective without the quotes.

Jihad -- the 'holy war' of terrorists -- can trace it beginnings to Mohammed himself and the beginning of Islam. That's why we say "radical Islam" and jihad will never be over until radical Islam is over.

Ah, does that mean we should be at war with radical Islam or, to get at the root, Islam?

No, it is impossible to kill every Muslim and eliminate Islam from human history. We should do what Rambama is doing: Manage the threat by using the 'scalpel' approach -- issuing 'death warrants' against those who organize, finance and inspire terrorist acts against us. None of that 'building roads' nonsense. I think Al-Qaeda's #2 ought to be getting ready to meet 72 virgins -- do some sit-ups, pal! :p

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post #273 George W. Bush's 'Cajones' Have Been Shriveled, Pt. II

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, September 14, 2001)

GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: I can hear you. The rest of the world hears you. And the people --


BUSH: And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.



The operative word is "soon." Osama bin Laden escaped our grasp at Tora Bora, and Bush changed his tune. Less than six months after his stirring Ground Zero talk, Bush addressed the subject of bin Laden, the leader of "the people who knocked these buildings down:"

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP, March 13, 2002)

GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: Again, I don't know where he is. I repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him.


Bush had given up. Late 2005, he made it official -- Bush dissolved the CIA unit that tracked bin Laden, Alec Station, which had been formed in 1996.

Yes, I have heard the opinion that those who criticize Bush's decision to close Alec Station do not understand intelligence. To that I say: Those 'Bushies' do not understand leadership -- Bush should have informed the American people when he made that decision and why he made it. Instead, the news leaked out six months later....

And, now, Bush wants a TY.


Thank You, Weasel, for all you did. [rolleyes]

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Post #272 George W. Bush's 'Cajones' Have Been Shriveled

Bedtime falls on Dallas. A faint glow shines from the bedroom of former President George W. Bush. W. steps out of the bathroom, buck naked. He makes some movement at his crotch.

W. (looking down): Look, Laura.
LAUBA (sitting up in the bed): I know. (Laura swivels, hangs her legs over the side and pats the bed, inviting W. over. He sits next to Laura.) That's what happens when somebody does something you could not do. Obama killed bin Laden, and now his 'cajones' are nice and full, and yours.... (Her voice trails off.)
W.: Who knew bin Laden was so important?
LAURA: Everybody knew -- except for those in the White House.
W.: Yeah, you're right -- it was Dick and Don who insisted we go after Saddam Hussein. But we got him.
LAURA: Yes, you did, dear.
W.(plaintively): He was a bad man... and probably would have liked to have had WMD one day.
A minute of silence.
W.: I saw a poll on FOX News where 11% of Americans said that I deserved credit for bin Laden's death.
LAURA: Oh, they are giving you credit for leaving Obama a target.
W.: Does this mean I'll lose my place on Mt. Rushmore?
LAURA: Take your nightly sip of your 'cough medicine' (Laura hands him a bottle. W. takes a snort and lies back on the bed. Laura messages his temples.) and go to your 'Happy Place,' and I'll dream of Obama for you.
W.: Thanks, Laura.
LAURA: Goodnight, Bar -- uh, George.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Post #271 Obama's Birth Certificate

Osama bin Laden is dead. Hope they got his birth certificate. :p

Well, I kind of miss the fuss about birth certificates -- it was so easy to see exactly where you stood. And I really miss the Republicans who'd play it cool on TV but exhort the crowds at fundraisers. And do not forget Shepard Smith on FOX News who almost used the 'f-word' to describe the mess -- I'm sure Shep really enjoyed it, too. :p

"As a schoolkid, I was taught that a kid born to an American citizen was a citizen, no matter where they were born."

Yes, you are correct. If he was born in Kenya, Barack Obama is qualified to be President, born to an American mother. The same logic applies to John McCain who was born in Panama and Barry Goldwater who was born in the Arizona territory. That is what a natural born citizen is.

Obviously, 'birthers' believe differently, that a President needs to be born here, a native. But Title 8 of the U.S. Code defines a citizen as: "Any one who is born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)." So, the 'birthers' are wrong to question Obama's legitimacy to be President... even if he was born in Kenya.

Wait -- it's not over yet. Look next for 'birthers' to harp that Obama has dual citizenship and therefore dual loyalties and should not be President. They will try to scare folks by saying that Osama bin Laden could get -- or could have gotten -- an American citizen pregnant and the kid could get elected President. Good Luck with scaring the sane there. [rolleyes]