----- Start Original Message -----
If each person sends this to a minimum of twenty people on their address list, in three days, all people in The United States of America would have the message. I believe this is one proposal that really should be passed around.
[IMAGE -- sorry, I do not know how to add a picture here, but it was of then-candidate Barak Obama carrying a book]
The name of the book Obama is reading is called: "The Post-American World," and it was written by a fellow Muslim. "Post" America means the world after America! Please forward this picture to everyone you know, conservative or liberal. We must expose Obama's radical ideas and his intent to bring down our beloved America!
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The author is NOT Muslim; the book is NOT about America defeated....
* sigh *
The author has brown skin and a strange name -- therefore, he's a Muslim. I guess that sums up the intellectual firepower of the 'loyal opposition,' eh?
Why must peeps get their news from e-mail? Stick to blogs. :p
Or 'real' news:
The quiet resurgence of George W. Bush? Well, the article does not advocate --note the "?." So, l rest easy, right? But, if ya read the comments, it seems that a lot of folks get their news from e-mail.
I got one 'nutty' e-mail not long ago that included a link to info about the e-mail at " snopes.com " and claimed that the info was true because it was at " snopes.com ." Being the curious type, I clicked the link... and found the e-mail was %100 false. How many of the 1000s who got that e-mail bothered to click that link? Um, I do not really want to know.
* sigh *