Thursday, February 21, 2013

Post #364 Happiness Is A Warm Gun! Pt. II

Some of my best friends still own guns, and they haven't killed anyone lately! :p

Personally, I sleep with a loaded baseball bat under my bed. On a strict risk analysis, it makes no sense for me to own a gun. Gun violence around here is shown in suicides, hunting accidents, justifiable homicide -- that husband needed killing -- and, uh, breakdowns of family education -- lil' Johnnie found his father's gun and shot his brother.

Indeed, my own risk analysis tend to back up national studies which show that binging a gun into your home is more likely to harm you or a family member than any intruder. But, if you that paranoid, well, go ahead.

There has been only one case around here in the past 40 years of gun violence with a hoodlum intruding -- that hoodlum had the gun and shot BEFORE the victim could get his own gun. Yes, it was a targeted assassination, and I learned not to make enemies. :p

However, I support everybody having a gun for hunting or self-defense, if they so choose -- either by the law or a Constitutional amendment. Since the Constitution dos not mention hunting or self-defense -- only being in a well-equipped citizen army -- as a reason for owning a gun, I'd support a Constitutional amendment saying so.

The Founding Fathers were no dummies. There is probably a reason the right to own guns is a qualified right. There is also probably a reason the right to own guns is in the 2nd Amendment, not the 1st.

I am a BIG believer in our Constitution, exactly as written. Too bad that Wayne LaPierre and other Nuts cannot read. I even support the EXPANSION of rights through the amendment process, as outlined in the Constitution.

As a practical matter, banning guns does not work.

But a semi-automatic assault rifle with a magazine larger than six bullets, a machine gun or anything that sprays bullets is not really a weapon used in hunting or self-defense -- no one except law enforcement or the military has the need to possess such; thusly, I'd have no qualms with banning the sale and manufacture of such Weapons of Mass Destruction.

The Constitution has no qualms, either.

After all, guns do not kill people, bullets kill people. Limit magazines to, say, six bullets. If you can't stop an intruder with six shots, you probably deserve to be intruded upon! :p

No one want to prevent "good people" from owning guns or obtaining concealed weapons permits should they qualify or sleeping with the barrel of their gun in their mouth (like Gomer Pyle -- ;O) . Possessing an "arsenal" of weapons, ammunition or explosives is evidence of intent to kill or maim or do serious damage and worthy of serious jail time.

Same principal as with drugs. Get caught with one or two joints, slap on the wrist and a diversionary program leading to dismissal. Get caught with 50 lbs of marijuana, you'll spend quite a few years in prison because you're a dealer.

An armed society is a polite society, right? More guns!?! [rolleyes]

Let's try to limit the damage, shall we?

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